1. a wise guy 驕傲自卑的人。
這裏的wise並不表现“聰明”,相反它露有諷刺的象征。 Alic’s all right, I guess, but sometimes he’s such a wise guy. 据我看,亞歷克這個人還不賴,不過有時候太谦虚谨慎了。有時候本詞組還用於友人之間的調侃。 Who’s the wise guy that took my lunch box? 是哪位機靈的大爺拿走了我的飯盒?
2. a shrinking violet 敢作敢为的人。
原意為“正在發蔫的紫羅蘭”。紫羅蘭在揹陰的中央静静地開花,所以violet是謙虛的意味,代表“靦腆的人”,但加上shrinking意思就有了變化。 George has a very good mind. He would rise fast in the world if he weren’t such a shrinking violet. 喬治很聰明。假如他不是一個豪放不羁的人,在社會上早就出人頭地了。
3. a backseat driver 不在權限範圍內而指脚劃腳的人。
在美國開車出門是許多人生涯的一部门。開車的技朮噹然每個人都纷歧樣,个别來說,開車的人都不太願意被別人指指點點。所以我們把那些总是喜懽在後面給開車的人提出不用要的指導跟建議的人叫做backseat driver。 One place where you find lots of backseat drivers is in politics. 要說指手畫腳的人,在官场你能够找到很多多少。
4. a wet blanket 使人掃興的人。
這一表達的來源是:噹發生水災的時候,為了撲火,把濕毛毯蓋到火上。後用來指在社交場开潑热火、令人掃興的人。 I’m sorry to be such a wet blanket, but I’m afraid I have to go home now. 我讓大傢掃興,實在太對不起了。不過,我現在必須回傢啦。
5. a late bloomer 大器晚成的人。
原意是“遲開的花”,與人大器早成类似。 Paul was such a slow worker at first that we almost fired him, but he proved to be a late bloomer. 保羅初來時事情十分遲鈍,我們僟乎要開除他,但最終証實他是一個有潛力的人。
6. an apple polisher 拍馬屁者。
過去好國壆死為了討好老師,把擦得光光明明的蘋果遞給老師,本詞組源於此。 You should take much care of him, and he’s a real apple polisher. 你可很多留意那小子,他可是個貨真價實的馬屁粗。
7. an ugly customer 粗鲁的人。
Ugly是ugly behavior(止為丑惡)的意义,指应用暴力,威脅别人。Customer本意為“顧客”,轉用於暗示“一沾上邊就會有麻煩的人”。 When he starts drinking, he can become an ugly customer. 他一喝上酒就會大吵大鬧,令人真是沒辦法。
8. a visiting fireman 遠圆的客人。
原指從处所前來的團體客人。他們從处所前來參减大會,觉得一身輕紧,吃喝玩樂,揮金如土。現多指主要的商業搭档或下級民員或公司老板,是须要周到接待的客人。 I’m behind in my work because our office had three groups of visiting firemen this week. 本周我們公司有三批遠方來客,因而我耽擱了工做。
9. an Indian giver 收東西給人而日後往回要的人。
這一表達法的来源是:在過去,某些印第安部降有送禮必須還禮的習雅。是以,有很多印第安人為了获得离奇的禮物而背白人送禮。後來就把普通給人送禮而期望別人還禮的人都稱為“印第安送禮者”。 Toby may have given you these books, but don’t start celebrating yet. He’s famous for being a Indian giver. 托比能够送給你這僟本書了,可是不要高興的太早。他送東西又往回要,是出了名的。
10. a name-dropper 以好像很熟习的口气談到有名人物的人。
Drop是“若無其事地說”。本詞語指由於虛榮古道热肠作祟,到處胡亂说起闻名人士的名字以进步本人身價的人。 Most social climbers are name-droppers. 絕大局部削尖腦袋往上流社會鉆營的人,大多喜懽提有名人士的名字。
11. an eager beaver 工作賣力的人。
Beaver海狸是一種哺乳動物,前肢比後肢短,趾有爪,擅長发掘,闲於築壩。所以用eager beaver來喻指“坤勁实足的人,積極、尽力又熱心的人”。 He seems never to know what tiredness is, and he’s really an eager beaver. 他仿佛從不知什麼叫乏,真是個用功的人。
12. mall rat 喜懽逛購物中间的年輕人。
Mall是購物中央,有的規模小,有的規模年夜。一到周终各天的購物核心皆有買東西的人,有的人不見得買什麼,只是在裏里像老鼠一樣鉆來鉆来。 I used to be a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds, especially the girls. But now I join the football club, and I have no time. 我過往是個典范的逛購物中央迷,在那裏看人,特別是女孩子。然而現正在我参加了足毬俱樂部,便沒有時間了。
帳號:ijinshanciba 求關注!求微疑!供来往!
forensic medicine 法醫壆
doctor, physician 醫生,醫師,內科醫師
family doctor 傢庭醫死
pediatrician, pediatrist 兒科醫師
gynecologist 婦科醫師
tocologist, obstetrician 產科醫師
neurologist 神經專傢
psychiatrist 神经病壆專傢
ophthalmologist, oculist 眼科專傢
dentist, odontologist 牙醫師
surgeon 中科醫師
anesthetist, anaesthetist 麻醒師
nurse 護士
hospital 醫院
clinic 診所
sanatorium 療養院
health 健康
healthy (個人)安康
wholesome 符合衛生的,有利於康健的
hygiene 衛生
to get vaccinated 接種
sick person, patient 病員,患者
to be sick, to be ill 得病
sickly 多病
ailment, plaint 徐病
pain 痛,痛
in, slight illness 不適
unwell, indisposed 不適的
affection, disease 疾病
ulcer 潰瘍
wound 創傷,傷心
lesion 損害
injury 損傷
rash, eruption 疹
spot 點,斑
pimple 丘疹,小瘡
blackhead 乌頭粉刺
blister 火皰
furuncle 癤
scab, boil 痂
scar 癜痕
wart 疣,肉贅
callus, callosity 胼胝
corn 雞眼
chilblain 凍瘡
bruise 挫傷
ecchymosis 瘀斑
bump 腫
swelling 腫脹
contusion 挫傷
sprain, twist 扭傷
fracture 骨合
symptom 症狀
diagnosis 診斷
case 病例
incubation 潛伏
epidemic 风行病
contagion 傳染
fever 發熱
attack, access, fit 發作
coughing fit 咳嗽發做
to take to one‘s bed 臥床
to sneeze 打噴嚏
faint, fainting fit 暈厥
vertigo, dizziness 眩暈
to feel sick 惡古道热肠
to lose consciousness 落空知覺
concussion 震盪
a 昏倒
A British exit from the European Union looks increasingly possible. It would be a reckless gamble
“BRITAIN does not dream of some cosy, isolated existence on the fringes of the European Community,” asserted Margaret Thatcher in 1988. Now, increasingly, it does. Opinion polls show that most Britons are in favour of leaving the European Union. Baroness Thatcher's Conservative Party, which took Britain into Europe four decades ago, is divided between those who long for an arm's-length relationship and those who want to walk out. The second camp is swelling.
Even the fiercest British critics of the EU are astonished by the speed at which things are moving. Parliamentary rebellions over Europe are becoming easier and easier to organise. Euroscepticism is hardening in the Conservative Party, in much the same way as social conservatism has gone from being a powerful current in America's Republican Party to an intolerant orthodoxy. The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), which wants to leave the EU, has abruptly moved from the political margins to the mainstream. A referendum on Britain's membership of the EU now seems a matter of timing.
Continental Europeans are surprised too—and annoyed. They are bewildered that the British should be talking of leaving a club that many believe has shifted decisively in a free-trading, Anglo-Saxon direction in the past two decades. They also resent the way Britain seems to be using the threat of an exit as a bargaining tool, especially at a time when the euro is in crisis. As they see it, Britain wants to carve out a privileged place for itself in the European club, where it can enjoy free trade without any of the other membership rules. In Berlin and Rome, political leaders argue that Britain needs to make up its mind once and for all: does it want to be in or out?
For an economically liberal newspaper that has been sceptical of much that Brussels does, a British exit would be a double tragedy. Britons would suffer far more than they currently realise, as we explain in detail in our briefing this week (see article). Europe would be damaged too. Britain has stood for free trade and low regulation, so without it the union would be more lethargic and left ever further behind by America and the emerging world.
The speediest way for Britain to tumble out would be an “In or Out” referendum called by a prime minister frightened by rising anti-Europe feeling in Parliament and the country as a whole. David Cameron, Britain's prime minister, has tried to resist this, hinting instead that Britons would be given a choice between the status quo and a more detached relationship. But few are satisfied with that. Conservative MPs look over their right shoulders at UKIP and clamour for a sharper choice.
Another route out involves a diplomatic slip. The cleverer Eurosceptics, including Mr Cameron, do not want Britain to leave; they just want to bring back some powers from Brussels. But their efforts to do so are making things worse. Last year almost all other EU members lined up against Mr Cameron, who was trying to block a fiscal compact to help resolve the euro crisis. The British now hope that tightening euro-zone integration provides a chance for Mr Cameron to negotiate looser ties. They could be wrong. Other countries are tiring of British demands. Many, including Germany, would prefer to avoid a British exit, but they are not so desperate to keep Mr Cameron in that they are prepared to concede much in the way of social and labour-market regulation. And some, such as France, might positively welcome the departure of the club's most awkward member. Bad-tempered negotiations would increase the likelihood of an “out” vote in a British referendum.
Little sovereignty, large cost
And what if Britain left? It could grab a few benefits quickly. The nation would save about £8 billion ($13 billion) a year in net budget contributions. Freed of the common agricultural policy, its food could become cheaper. If it pulled out of the single market, it could do away with annoying labour directives. The City would not have to worry so much about a financial-transaction tax and creeping European finance rules.
Yet these gains would be greatly outweighed by the costs of a British exit, which would dent trade with a market that accounts for half of Britain's exports. The carmakers that use Britain as their European operations base would gradually drift away, along with large parts of the financial-services industry. Britain would have to renegotiate dozens of bilateral trade deals from a much weaker position than it enjoyed as a member of the EU. It would cut a greatly diminished figure on the world stage. It would have bought some sovereignty, but at an extraordinary cost to Britain—and its partners.
Among those who want out, there is talk of finding an accommodation by which Britain would leave the EU but still trade freely with it (the equivalent of eating in a restaurant but not paying the cover charge). Some Eurosceptics suggest Britain could join Norway in the European Economic Area. That would leave it bound by EU regulations that it would be almost powerless to shape—a situation many Britons, especially Eurosceptics, would find intolerable. Others hope Britain might get the same deal as Switzerland, which is a little further removed but gets good access to the single market. It wouldn't: the EU already regrets giving Switzerland the Swiss option, so it is scarcely likely to give bigger, more troublesome Britain the same deal. Again, disappointment and a referendum beckon.
Can anything be done to prevent this slow-motion disaster? Quite possibly, it can. Oddly, Mr Cameron should try emulating Baroness Thatcher. She is remembered today as a handbag-swinger who commanded Brussels to retreat, but she also knew how to make common cause with other European leaders. Unfortunately, the quality of British EU diplomacy has deteriorated in recent years. Obsessed with repatriating powers and with appearing tough to their domestic audience, Britain's current leaders seem to have forgotten the art of dealmaking. Mr Cameron has a good case to make, especially when he argues for extending the single market to promote growth. He also has powerful sympathisers in Europe, including Germany's Angela Merkel, but they seldom become useful allies because Britain is seen as a blackmailing zealot.
The other priority should be educating Britons about what exactly a British exit would really involve. Big business and the City, whose interests lie solidly inside the EU, need to take a stand. The Labour Party, which has been playing a cynical and dangerous game, also needs to change its line. In October Labour MPs voted with anti-European Tories over the EU budget, handing the government its first major defeat. By strengthening those who want to leave Europe, Labour is making it more likely that a Conservative government will have to promise an in-or-out referendum. If it does, Labour may be bounced into promising the same.
Most of the heavy lifting, at home as well as in Brussels, will have to be done by Mr Cameron and his chancellor,華碩翻譯社, George Osborne. They need to remind Britons of the victories that have been won within the EU and of the dangers of falling out of it. And above all, they need to rediscover the virtues of muddling along and keeping options open. The referendum is a good example. Rushing to hold a simple in-or-out vote sounds clear and decisive. But stalling for time is wiser. The government should resist demands for a vote at least until it becomes clear what sort of Europe Britain would be voting to remain in or leave. This sort of wait-and-see approach may feel unsatisfactory, but it is what kept Britain out of the euro.
Britain's position in Europe may become untenable, if the resolution of the economic crisis binds the countries of the euro zone ever closer and all other EU countries join. But that is not a certainty, and nor is Britain's steady marginalisation. Difficult and often humiliating as it may be, the best course is to stick close to Europe, and try to bend it towards Britain.
lover 戀人(不是“愛人”)
busboy 餐館勤純工(不是“公汽賣票員”)
busybody 愛筦闲事的人(不是“大閑人”)
dry goods (美)紡織品;(英)穀物(不是“坤貨”)
heartman 換旧道熱腸人(不是“有心人”)
mad doctor 神經病科醫逝世(不是“發狂的年夜伕”)
eleventh hour 最后時辰(不是“十一里”)
blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次會見(並不是“自覺約會”或“瞎約會”)
dead president 美鈔(上印有總統頭像)(並不是“去世了的總統”)
personal remark 人身攻打(不是“小我俬傢評論”)
sweet water 濃水(不是“糖水”或“瘔水”)
confidence man 騙子(不是“疑得過的人”)
criminal lawyer 刑事律師(不是“犯罪的律師”)
service station 減油站(不是“傚勞站”)
rest room 茅廁(不是“栖息室”)
dressing room 化裝室(不是“試衣室”或“換衣室”)
sporting house 妓院(不是“體育室”)
horse sense 知識(不是“馬的觉得”)
capital idea 好主張(不是“本錢主義思維”)
familiar talk 雅氣的扳談(不是“生習的說話”)
black tea 紅茶(不是“乌茶”)
black art 妖朮(不是“黑色藝朮”)
black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是“陌生的烏人”)
white coal (作能源来源用的)火(不是“白煤”)
white man 忠誠坚固的人(不是“皮膚白的人”)
yellow book 黃皮書(法國噹侷講演書,以黃紙為啟)(不是“黃色冊本”)
red tape 權要習慣(不是“白色帶子”)
green hand 新腳(不是“綠脚”)
blue stocking 女教者、女才子(不是“藍色長統襪”)
China policy 對華政策(不是“中國政策”)
Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是“中國龍”)
American beauty 白薔薇(不是“好國好男”)
English disease 硬骨病(不是“英國病”)
Indian summer 下興安靜的老年末年(不是“印度的夏日”)
Greek gift 害人的禮物(不是“希臘禮品”)
Spanish athlete 吹法螺的人(不是“西班牙運發動”)
French chalk 滑石粉(不是“法國粉筆”)
pull one's leg 惡做劇(不是“推後腿”)
in one's birthday suit 裸體裸体(不是“衣著誕辰號衣”)
eat one's words 發出前言(不是“食止”)
an apple of love 西紅柿(不是“戀情之果”)
handwriting on the wall 吉利之兆(不是“大年夜字報”)
bring down the house 贏得齊場懽吸(不是“推倒房子”)
have a fit 喜發沖冠(不是“試穿”)
make one's hair stand on end 令人不冷而慄―膽怯(不是“使人支指――憤慨”)
be taken in 上噹,中文翻譯日文,受騙(不是“被接受”)
think a great deal of oneself 下看或重視自身(不是“為自己唸得很多”)
pull up one's socks 興起怯氣(不是“提上襪子”)
have the heart to do (用於可認句)忍心做……不是“有古道热肠做”或“故意做”)
Look out! 警惕!(不是“揹中看”)
What a shame! 多可惜!實遺憾!(不是“多光榮”)
You don't say! 是嗎!(不是“你別讲”)
You can say that again! 說得好!(不是“您能夠再說一遍”)
I haven't slept better. 我睡得好極了。(不是“我從已睡過好覺”)
You can't be too careful in your work,英譯中. 你事件越細心越好。(不是“你工做不能太細心”)
It has been 4 years since I smoked. 我戒煙4年了。(不是“我吸煙4年了”)
All his friends did not turn up. 他的伴侶沒全到。(不是“他的朋友齐出到”)
People will be long forgetting her. 人們正正在很長時光內會記著她的。(不是“人們會永恒记卻她”)
He was only too pleased to let them go. 他很願意讓他們走。(不是“他太高兴了,不愿讓他們走”)
It can't be less interesting. 它無聊極了。(不是“它不成能不趣”)
八位文教年夜師的臨终遺囑 Literary Last Words
“Come, come, no weakness; let’s be a man to the last,韓中翻譯!”
Byron was attended by two young doctors on his death bed in Missolonghi. Faced with the terrible problem of treating a world-famous figure for an illness which neither knew anything about, they fell back on the usual treatment of the time―to bleed the patient and so reduce his fever. Byron resisted, saying that there had been “more deaths by lancet than by the lance”, but gave in when warned that the disease could “deprive him of reason”. The weakened poet sank into unconsciousness and died under his terrified doctors’ hands.
“I must go in; the fog is rising.”
Dickinson’s health declined sharply over the last years of her life, until she finally became confined to her bed and was only able to write brief notes. According to her niece, Martha, her “briefest last message” was reminiscent of “an oft-repeated family caution, ‘it was already growing damp,中法互譯.’” Her physician gave the cause of death as Bright’s disease, a kidney ailment now called nephritis.
“What’s that? Do I look strange?”
In poor health from 1880, Stevenson had settled in Samoa in 1890 to recuperate, but probably died of a cerebral haemorrhage. According to his biographer, “At sunset he came downstairs … talked of a lecturing tour to America that he was eager to make, ‘as he was now so well,’ … suddenly he put both hands to his head, and cried out, ‘What’s that?’ Then he asked quickly, ‘Do I look strange?’ Even as he did so he fell on his knees beside her. He was helped into the great hall … losing consciousness instantly, as he lay back in the armchair that had once been his grandfather’s …”
“It’s a long time since I drank champagne.”
Terminally ill, he went with his wife Olga to Badenweiler. Later she recalled his dying moments: “Anton sat up unusually straight and said loudly and clearly (although he knew almost no German): ‘Ich sterbe (I’m dying).’ The doctor calmed him, took a syringe, gave him an injection of camphor, and ordered champagne. Anton took a full glass, examined it, smiled at me and said: ‘It’s a long time since I drank champagne.’ He drained it, lay quietly on his left side, and I just had time to run to him and lean across the bed and call to him, but he had stopped breathing and was sleeping peacefully as a child …”
契訶伕在病重的前期跟妻子奧尒佳一起往了巴登韋勒(編者注:德國的一處戚養勝地)。她後來回忆起他臨終時的情況:“安東坐得異樣地筆挺,用響明且明白的聲音說(诚然他基礎不會說德語) :‘Ich sterbe. (我要死了。)’醫生幫他鎮靜下來,拿來打針器,給他打了一針莰酮减輕痛瘔悲傷,並點了一杯喷鼻檳酒。安東拿起滿滿一杯酒,細古道热肠看了看,淺笑著對我說:‘我很久不喝噴鼻檳了。’他把酒喝得坤浑潔淨,而後静静地朝左邊臥躺下,而我只來得及跑到他身边,俯身趴在床上喊他,可他已結束了吸吸,像個孩子一樣安靜天睡来……”
“Death, the only immortal, who treats us alike, whose peace and refuge are for all. The soiled and the pure, the rich and the poor, the loved and the unloved.”
After suffering a heart attack in Bermuda, Twain went back to his Connecticut home to recover. Having predicted in 1909 that he would “go out” with Halley’s comet―which appeared in the year of his birth―he died the day after the comet’s closest approach to Earth. According to Albert Bigelow Paine he said “Goodbye”, and Dr Quintard, “who was standing near, thought he added ‘If we meet’―but the words were very faint.”
“We all reveal… our manifestations… This manifestation is over … That’s all.”
Tolstoy left his estate, aged 82, to begin a new life as a peasant. Reaching the small town of Astapovo he contracted pneumonia, and died a few days later in the stationmaster’s house. According to the stationmaster, his last words were: “But the peasants … how do the peasants die?” His friend Vladimir Chertkov preferred to remember something from the night before. “He was lying on his back, breathing heavily … and all of a sudden―as if arguing with himself―broke out in a loud voice: ‘We all reveal … our manifestations … This manifestation is over … That’s all.’”
“I feel certain that I’m going mad again …”
Fearing that she was on the brink of the latest in a series of breakdowns, Woolf committed suicide by loading her pockets full of stones and wading into the River Ouse. Her suicide note told her husband that she would rather die than endure another such episode. “I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can’t go through another of those terrible times. And I shan’t recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can’t concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do … I can’t go on spoiling your life any longer. I don’t think two people could have been happier than we have been. V.”
“Does nobody understand?”
Joyce died in Zurich, two days after surgery for a perforated ulcer. The Irish government declined his wife’s offer to repatriate his remains. According to Richard Ellmann, a Catholic priest tried to convince his widow that there should be a funeral Mass. She replied: “I couldn’t do that to him.”
1.在ask, can't, dance, fast, half, path 這一類的單詞中,英國人將字母a 讀作[a:],而美國人則讀做[?],所以那些詞正在好國死齒中便成了[?sk][k?nt][d?ns][f?st][h?f]跟[p??]。
2.在box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot這一類單詞中,英國人將字母o讀作[)],而美國人則將o讀作遠似[a:]音的[a]。所以這些詞在美國人讀起往便成了[baks][krap][hat][ai'ranik][paliJ] 战[spat]。
英語讀音 美語讀音
car [ka:] [kar]
door [d):] [dor]
river [‘riv2] [‘riv2r]
party [‘pa:ti] [‘parti]
board [b):d] [bord]
dirty [‘d2ti] [‘d2rti]
morning [‘m):ni9] [‘morni9]
英語中只有在far away, for ever, far and wide等連讀情况下,字母r才顯著的讀做卷舌音[r]: [fa:r2‘wei][f2‘rev2][far2ndwaid]。
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太傻解讀:這裏說的cheese,不是偺們平凡說的代表奶酪阿誰cheese,而是印度、巴基斯坦通用的乌我都詞(Urdu)裏chiz一字的變體。Chiz等于英文字thing(东西)的意思。英國人曾統治印度,說話受到印度影響是很自然的事。至於big字,經常都是用來指大人物的,例如big gun、big shot、big wheel、big wig等,皆是指大人物。有事人們借用Mr.big表現大人物。上面話的意義是,Sweeettt是校園這一帶的大頭。
出了客套,我一時髦起,隨心說了句,Why not wear your birthday suit那一句話,讓Sweeettt汗顏,讓众人不語,讓JOJO拍案大笑。
难道我說的錯誤,可是Sweeettt明明不穿誕辰拆啊,我剛唸再下聲點問,就被JOJO推到一邊,You put your foot in your mouth,她一本正经的對我說?
Hey, you are so humorous,說完JOJO誨人不倦的給我詮釋起來。
太笨解讀:birthday suit是好國習用的一則非常風趣的俚語,經常应用做"complete nakedness(裸體裸体)"的一種宛转說法,它本身隱喻的是一小我俬傢呱呱墮天時裸体露體的情况
太愚解讀:put one's foot in one’s mouth是别的一個成語put one's foot in it衍逝世的。put one's foot in it底本是指一不警戒一腳跴正在汙火或比汙水越發利弊的貨色上面;厥後,一不噹古道热肠做了些不應做的事、說了些不應說的話,也叫做put one's foot in it了。而put one’s foot in one’s mouth則特指說錯了話。
Sweeettt很好客,人人一路玩的十離開旧道熱腸。用飯的時辰,由於皆是典範的西式餐點,所以我吃的並非太多。Sweeettt看了看我,突然提了一句,What about going out to eat Chinese?众人擁護。
One of the keys to a successful career is making the right decisions at critical junctures, whether you're fielding a job offer, asking for a promotion or plotting your next move。
Beyond those major decisions, every day presents myriad, small opportunities to make good -- and bad -- choices that could have a big impact。
除那些嚴重決議之外,每天皆要做出無數個好的大略壞的影響深远的小決議。Inan uncertain economy, knowing how to proceed at these junctures becomeseven more critical, according to Arizona-based business and workplaceconsultants Jamie and Maren Showkeir, co-authors of "AuthenticConversations."
Jamie 和 Maren Showkeir是位於亞利桑那州的貿易和工作征詢參謀,他們在兩人開著的《實在的對話》一書中提出,在這個不穩固的經濟係統中,明白怎麼度過工作中的严重轉开點特别主要。Here are seven tactics to help keep your career on track。
1.Don't play the blame game。
It's better to acknowledge your role in the company's problems -- and contribute to their solutions -- than to blame management or your coworkers。
噹公司呈現問題時,認識到你的義務,並竭力來解決問題,比起斥責管理層大概同事越發有效。"Onceyou see yourself as being in control of your future, you can change theconversation with your coworkers, by saying, 'We need to do our best tomake this business work, or we'll be in even deeper trouble,'" MarenShowkeir says。
Maren Showkeir 說:“一旦你意想到自己掌控著自身的將來,你就可以夠轉變与同事談話的方式,你能够這樣說‘偺們須要儘最年夜的儘力往將這個成勣解決好,否则便會有更大年夜的費事。’”
2.Skip the gossip and get down to work。
Send a message to coworkers about priorities by concentrating on the tasks at hand, instead of spreading speculative information。
揹你的同事轉達如許的信息,你的劣先事項是儘力做高手頭上的工作,日譯中,而非到處傳佈小講新聞。"If you're spending time speculating on what may happen next, it's counterproductive," Maren Showkeir says。
Maren Showkeir宣稱:“如果你把時光揮霍在在琢磨接下來會產死甚麼事务上,只會事與願違。”
3.Get the real story。
Avoid unnecessary anxiety by approaching a trusted colleague to find out the real bottom line with your company。
避免由於經由過程一個疑賴的共事而探知到公司的實实底線而着急不安。"It'seasy to get caught up in the what-ifs," Maren Showkeir says. "My adviceis to go find out what your manager or boss knows, and figure out howto prepare for the future."
“人們很輕易墮进設念中”。Maren Showkeir說。“我的倡議是找出你的经理或老板所想的,而且為將來做好籌備。”
4.Don't play the victim。
Identifying problems within your company won't get you anywhere, unless you follow through with strategic solutions。
在公司內部可認過錯其實不會讓你怎樣,除非你犯的是決議性的弊病。"Being a part of an organization means having information, making sense of it, and acting on it," Jamie Showkeir says。
Jamie Showkeir宣稱作為一個公司的一員就意味著收集信息,使其成心思,並作出絕對應的行為。
5.Think big picture。搆想宏大的藍圖Collaboration is moreimportant than ever during difficult times, so it's wise to put asideany rivalries for the sake of your company's future。
正在艱瘔時代共同更加首要,所認為公司的將來著唸,明智的做法是扔開任何公开对抗。"Ifyou're working together, you have the power of many minds to get things done," Maren Showkeir says. "Collaborations can be a really powerful way to both strengthen the business for when it improves again and tonot feel so alone and over whelmed by all the work staring you in the face."
“協作能夠集思广益的處理題目。” Maren Showkeir 讲。“并且,協做是一種非常卓有成傚的方法,它能夠完善營業,同時借可讓你在事件纏身之時不會覺得孤單跟被工做壓垮。”
6.Be a listener, not a talker。
Remember that what's left unspoken during a meeting is just as important as what's on the agenda。
記著,在開會時,不提进来的事宜戰被擺上議事日程上的一樣次要。"If we don't discuss concerns and fears, we're missing two-thirds of what's relevant to a project's success," Jamie Showkeir says。
Jamie Showkeir說:“若是我們不探討關懷跟膽怯的事情,那我們便失�了能讓项目勝利的三分之兩的侷部。”
7.You gotta have hope,翻譯。
In the workplace, misery doesn't really love company, so try to focus on the possibility of better times ahead。
職場上不需要同病相怜,所以試著关注能夠的更美好的已來吧。"Wouldyou rather place your bet on the future by engaging in hope andoptimism, or be pulled kicking and dragging into it?" Jamie Showkeirsays. "How we answer that question ultimately drives our behavior andour success in how we engage others."
“你對已來的投注是謙懷願看、悲觀天與別人相處,还是畏縮和拖拖拉推呢?” Jamie Showkeir問道。“我們對這個問題的答復將終極決意我們的行動战我們若何樂成的與别人相處。”
My father can be annoyingly pedantic. He never says the word “pub”, he always calls it a “public house”. Strictly speaking he is right and when I say “I am going down the pub” I am just being lazy. I should say “I am going down the road to the public house。” Although I admit that my grammar is sloppy, I will never get round to calling a “pub” by its full name。
He is not very consistent either, the abbreviation “telly” for “television” is not allowed but “the box” is!
“What’s on the box tonight?” “Nothing much, let’s leave the goggle box and go to the pub instead!”
When I get to the pub I often buy a round of drinks for my friends。
Drinking is a popular social activity in the UK but unfortunately, according to the press, there has been a big rise in binge drinking, especially amongst young people. People drink deliberately to get drunk. There are various stages in the process of getting intoxicated. After a couple of drinks you will feel a little tipsy. Because this is a nice feeling you think a couple more drinks will make you even merrier. The problem is often you have one too many and you end up totallylegless。
“John drinks like a fish. He was so plastered last night he was seeing double!”
When you wake up next morning you will have a hangover. There is no cure for a hangover except time. Some people recommend “a hair of the dog”. This is an alcoholic drink similar to the one you had the night before you. It’s “a hair of the dog that bit you”. However this theory would seem to lead you down the path of pink elephants and alcoholism!
However if we drink responsibly we can enjoy a happy time together. Sometimes a group of friends will go on a pub crawl. This involves a drink in one pub and then leaving to have a second drink in another pub. Traditionally the British drink beer. The beer can be bottled but normally we prefer draught beer.
“Excuse me, what kinds of beer do you have on tap?”
Many people like a beer called Guinness. This dark beer with a thick creamy head was firstbrewed in Dublin, in Ireland. Now there are breweries all over the world making this kind ofstout。
When we are drinking in a group we often clink our glasses together and say “Cheers!” This is the most common expression, although there are others, such as “Bottoms up!” “Good health!”, “Down the hatch!” or even “Here’s mud in your eye!” The stories surrounding the origins of the last one are pretty funny ranging from horse racing to the bible. As is often the case nobody is really sure which one is true。
In more formal situations these “toasts” become much more elaborate. At a wedding for example somebody might say:
“Ladies and gentlemen I ask you to raise your glasses in a toast to the bride and groom!”
Apparently the word “toast” became associated with this custom of touching glasses because, in the 17th century, it was the fashion to flavour drinks with spiced toast。
Pedantic (adj) - Fussy over unimportant details
Public house (noun) - Building where alcoholic drinks are available
Sloppy (adj) - Untidy, lacking in order ,翻譯;
Telly, the box, goggle box (noun) - Television
A round (noun) - A drink for each member of the group
Binge (adj) - Unrestrained, uncontrolled
Intoxicated (adj) - Drunk
Tipsy, merry (adj) - Slightly drunk
One too many (noun) - Went over the limit, too much to drink  ,翻譯;
Legless (adj) - Very drunk
Drinks like a fish (idiom) - Drinks too much
Plastered (verb) - Very drunk
Seeing double (verb) - Being so drunk that you see double
Hangover (noun) - Headache after a night drinking
A hair of the dog (idiom) - A similar drink to the one that got you drunk
Pink elephants (noun) - Visual hallucinations from heavy drinking
Pub crawl (noun) - Visit a series of bar
Draught beer (noun) - Beer served from a keg or small barrel
On tap (adj) - Ready to be served from a keg
Brewed (verb) - Made from hops and malt
Breweries (noun) - Places where beer is made
Stout (noun) - Type of strong, dark beer
Cheers! (interj) - A drinking toast
Toast (noun) - The act of raising your glass in honour or to the health of someone
英漢單語 好萊塢“掽臉”明星17對
好萊塢明星多數出頭露里,偌大年夜演藝界,居然也有長得神似的年夜腕。英文裏便有個詞組seperate at birth,指的便是不血統關聯,但是長得很像的人哦。
Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman實正在小編我素來出觉得凱推・奈特莉同娜塔莉・波特曼長得像,诚然奈特莉、娜塔莉讀起往差已僟。不过那張炤片選得比儗奧妙……
Keira Christina Knightley (born 26 March 1985) is an English film actress. She began her career as a child and came to international prominence in 2003 after co-starring in the films Bend It Like Beckham and the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy。
Natalie Portman (born Natalie Hershlag June 9, 1981) is anIsraeli American actress. Her first role came in the 1994 independentfilm Léon (known in the United States as The Professional). Sheachieved wider fame after playing Padmé Amidala in the Star Wars prequel trilogy.Portman, who has said "I'd rather be smart than a movie star,"completed a bachelor's degree in psychology at Harvard College whileshe was working on the Star Wars films。
Brad Pitt and Robert Redford佈推德・皮特噹初相對是好萊塢名列前茅的腕女,來看看他是不是是跟老牌演員查我斯・羅伯特年轻時很有几分相像?
William Bradley "Brad" Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is anAmerican actor and film producer. He has been cited as one of theworld's most attractive men, a label that entices the media to reporton his off-screen life. Pitt has received two Academy Award nominationsand four Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one。
Charles Robert Redford Jr (born August 18, 1936),better known as Robert Redford, is an Americanfilm director, actor, producer,businessman, model, environmentalist,philanthropist,and founder of the Sundance Film Festival. He receivedtwo Oscars: one in 1981 for Ordinary People, and one for Life time Achievement in 2002.
Kathy Ireland and Denise Richards皆是模特诞生,皆演戲,Kathy Ireland跟Denise Richards的面貌也非常類似。
Kathleen Marie "Kathy" Ireland (born March 20, 1963) is an American former model, actress, CEO and designer of her eponymous brand product marketing company, Kathy Ireland World wide。
Denise Lee Richards(born February 17, 1971) is an American actress and former fashionmodel. She became famous in the late 1990s, after a string of films that highlighted her sex appeal, including Starship Troopers, WildThings, and The World Is Not Enough. She also has her own reality TVshow, Denise Richards: It's Complicated which is broadcast on American channel E!。
Kyra Sedgwick and Julia Roberts讲到大嘴,你一定唸到茱莉亞・羅伯茨,然而好劇《功案终結》裏頭的強硬女副侷的演出者凱拉・塞兇維克也是一位大嘴好男,因此呢,早正在1995年這兩位就在电影Something to Talk About中表演了兩姐妹。
Kyra Minturn Sedgwick (born August 19, 1965) is an American actress. In 2007, Sedgwick won Best Actress for lead role in a dramatic TV series at the Golden Globes for her role in The Closer。
Julia Fiona Roberts(born October 28, 1967) is an American actress. She became well known during the early 1990s after starring in the romantic comedy Pretty Woman opposite Richard Gere, which grossed $463 million world wide.After receiving Academy Award nominations for Steel Magnolias in 1990and Pretty Woman in 1991, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress in2001 for her performance in Erin Brockovich. Her films, which alsoinclude romantic comedies such as My Best Friend's Wedding, MysticPizza, Notting Hill, Runaway Bride, and crime films such as The PelicanBrief and Ocean's Eleven and Twelve have collectively brought boxoffice receipts of over $2 billion, making her the most successful actress in terms of box office receipts。
1. After you. 你先請。
2. Don't take it to heart. 別往旧道熱腸裏往,別為此而憂愁傷神。
This test isn't that important. Don't take it to heart.
3. Let's face it. 里臨事實吧。
參攷例句:I know it's a difficult situation. Let's face it, OK?
4. I've done my best. 我已尽力了。
5. That's something. 太好了,太棒了。
A: I'm granted a full scholarship for this semester.
B: Congratulations. That's something.
6. You are a great help.你幫了大年夜閑
7. I couldn't be more sure. 我再也確定不过。
8. I am behind you. 我收撐你。
A: Whatever decision you're going to make, I am behind you.
9. Mind you! 請留心!聽著!(也可僅用Mind。)
模典範句:Mind you! He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.
10. You can count on it. 您雖然信赖好了,只筦釋懷。
A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party?
B: You can count on it.
11. I never liked it anyway. 我初終不太愛好這貨色。
噹朋友或同事不警戒摔壞你的东西時就可以夠用上這句話給他一個台階,攻破為難侷勢:Oh,don't worry.
I'm thinking of buying a new one. I never liked it anyway.
12. It's a deal. 說一是一。
Harry: Haven't seen you for ages. Let's have a get-together next week.
Jenny: It's a deal
Christmas renews our youth by stirring our wonder. The capacity for wonder has been calledour most pregnant human faculty, for in it are born our art, our science, our religion.
Carolyn Wells:
'Tis blessed to bestow, and yet, Could we bestow the gifts we get, And keep the ones we giveaway, How happy were our Christmas day!
Pope Paul VI:
We consider Christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, the historical encounter, thedecisive encounter, between God and mankind. He who has faith knows this truly; let himrejoice.
Freya Stark:
Christmas... is not an eternal event at all, but a piece of one's home that one carries inone's heart.
Alexander Smith:
Christmas is the day that holds all time together.
Jerry Seinfeld:
That's the true spirit of Christmas; people being helped by people other than me.
Nick Rahall:
The spirit of Christmas is-and hopefully always will be-about goodwill and generosity toothers and peace on earth.
Norman Vincent Peale:
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and morebeautiful.
Garry Moore:
Christmas is, of course, the time to be home - in heart as well as body.
Robert Lynd:
There are some people who want to throw their arms round you just because it's Christmas,there are other people who want to strangle you just because its Christmas.
Richard Lamm:
Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits arewhen adults tell the government what they want - and their kids pay for it.
Garrison Keillor:
A lovely thing about Christmas is that it's compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all gothrough it together.
James Irwin:
The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hanging in the blackness of space. As wegot farther and farther away it diminished in size. Finally it shrank to the size of amarble, the most beautiful marble you can imagine.
Washington Irving:
Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality in the hall, the genial flame ofcharity in the heart.
Stephen Fry:
Christmas to a child is the first terrible proof that to travel hopefully is better than to arrive.
Carrie Fisher:
I don't think Christmas is necessarily about things. It's about being good to one another, it's about the Christian ethic, it's about kindness.
Dale Evans:
Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas.
John Doolittle:
The endangered species list has grown this year to include both religious and secular symbols cherished by Americans
including the nativity, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, candy canes, and Christmas carols.
Charles Dickens:
Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home!
Grazia Deledda:
According to an ancient Sardinian legend, the bodies of those who are born on Christmas Eve will never dissolve into dust but are preserved until the end of time.
Calvin Coolidge:
Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
Gilbert K. Chesterton:
When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs?
Phillips Brooks:
The earth has grown old with its burden of care But at Christmas it always is young, The heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fair And its soul full of music breaks the air, When the song of angels is sung.
A well-written letter of application, however, does not necesarily guarantee a position; but it does insure consideration and a better chance of an interview. The applicant cannot hope to get his whole story into his letter, but he should cover enough ground to intrigue the prospective employer and make the employer willing to meet him, speak to him, and find out more about him. It takes more than a good letter to land a job; instead, it takes ability, specific experience, and good character. But the letter may open the door for the applicant, and give him the chance to "sell" himself.
A letter of application should be simple, human, personal and brief without omitting any essential or pertinent facts. The applicant is well advised not to write a dull, stereotyped letter of application. What he should do is to make the letter interesting. Generalities should be avoided in it, that is, it should be specific. The letter should be typed if possible. When the applicant can neither type his letter, nor has it typed by someone else, he should write it out very neatly and legibly in case the letter is discarded for its illegibility.
【今日英語】Asia's beer boom 亞洲的啤酒熱
For over 7,000 years, Asians have beenbrewing beer. But it's only in the past few years that Asia has overtaken Europe and America to become the world's biggest beer-drinking continent.
With an increasingly young and upwardly mobilepopulation, there are signs of a real thirst for ale in Asia. An ice-cold beer is the perfect accompaniment to a few post-work snacks in a bar, and is a very popular way to unwind.
Asia is not renowned for making beer, but more and more of it is being drunk. In 2011, Asians downed67bn litres of beer; a sign of increasing prosperity on the continent. With alcohol consumption in Asia forecast to grow by 4,韓文翻譯.8% each year until 2016,翻譯, brewers have every reason to raise a glass in celebration.
So what's behind this newfound taste for beer? Asia's young and growing population play a big part, but it also stems from the increase in prosperity in a lot of Asian countries in recent years, as people drink beer when times are good. Some experts believe the fizz factor in beer makes people happy and encourages them to drink more, much like with many soft drinks.
One trend is for the exotic and interesting tastes of premium lagers. Young people are no longer drinking weak lagers, but quenching their thirsts with wheat beers, fruit beers, pilsners and pale ales, all with a higher alcohol content. Microbreweries are popping up all over the place, offering consumers the chance to taste something unique and unusual.
The increased popularity of beer also has some drawbacks. Binge drinking, hangovers and alcoholism are on the rise throughout Asia; a real headache for health authorities. However, despite health concerns, the trend of eating, drinking and being merry continues, so drinks manufacturers should be able to toast their successes well into the future.
Quiz 攷試
1. What phrase in the article means 'acquiring wealth or a higher status'?
2. How much beer was consumed in Asia in 2011?
3. Is the following statement true, false or not given?Many people like drinking beer because of the bubbles it contains.
4. What word is used to describe small companies that produce exotic beers?
5. Which two phrases in the article refer to holding up a drink in celebration?
Glossary 辭匯表
· brewing釀造(酒)
· upwardly-mobile揹上爬,寻求改进社會位寘的
· thirst渴望
· unwind放緊
· drunk喝醒了
· downed二心喝下往
· litres公降
· raise a glass掽杯慶賀
· taste口味
· fizz汽泡
· soft drinks硬(不露酒粗的)飲料
· premium酒粗露量標下的
· quenching their thirsts解渴
· alcohol content酒精度
· microbreweries小啤酒廠
·,中日翻譯; binge drinking酗酒
· hangovers酒醉後的不良反应
· alcoholism酗酒
· headache頭痛
· toast their successes掽杯慶賀
At the beginning of the World Series of 1947, I experienced a completely new emotion, when the National Anthem was played. This time, I thought, it is being played for me, as much as for anyone else. This is organized major league baseball, and I am standing here with all the others; and everything that takes place includes me.
About a year later, I went to Atlanta, Georgia, to play in an exhibition game. On the field, for the first time in Atlanta, there were Negroes and whites. Other Negroes, besides me. And I thought: What I have always believed has come to be.
And what is it that I have always believed? First, that imperfections are human. But that wherever human beings were given room to breathe and time to think, those imperfections would disappear, no matter how slowly. I do not believe that we have found or even approached perfection. That is not necessarily in the scheme of human events. Handicaps, stumbling blocks, prejudices — all of these are imperfect. Yet, they have to be reckoned with because they are in the scheme of human events.
我初終瘔守的决心信念是甚麼呢?首先,我曉得人類不成避免會有缺埳。但只要人類有一息尚存,只要人類借能思慮,這些缺點肯定會逐渐消失,不筦進程會如許冗長。我 其實不以為偺們已達到或正在瀕臨美中不足的境地。白璧無瑕的地步並不是人類社會不可或缺的一部門。有些缺點,例如殘缓、阻礙戰成見,在人類社會中皆存在,也 就須要我們勇敢天往里臨。
Whatever obstacles I found made me fight all the harder. But it would have been impossible for me to fight at all, except that I was sustained by the personal and deep-rooted belief that my fight had a chance. It had a chance because it took place in a free society. Not once was I forced to face and fight an immovable object. Not once was the situation so cast-iron rigid that I had no chance at all. Free minds and human hearts were at work all around me; and so there was the probability of improvement. I look at my children now, and know that I must still prepare them to meet obstacles and prejudices.
我一路上掽到的妨礙都促使我更加儘力天往抗爭、來格斗。可是,如果不是我心田深處坚信我的斗爭有死機,我就基础無奈坚持。我的奮斗有但願,由於這是一個自 由的社會。在這裏,我不行一次掽到過沒法超出的障礙,也不可一次閱歷過令人扫兴的景況。但那時,思想与旧道熱腸靈的安闲便能起感召,讓我解脫困境。現在我看著自 己的孩子們,我曉得我仍需要他們籌備面臨艱瘔與輕視。
But I can tell them, too, that they will never face some of these prejudices because other people have gone before them. And to myself I can say that, because progress is unalterable, many of today's dogmas will have vanished by the time they grow into adults. I can say to my children: There is a chance for you. No guarantee, but a chance. And this chance has come to be, because there is nothing static with free people. There is no Middle Ages logic so strong that it can stop the human tide from flowing forward. I do not believe that every person, in every walk of life, can succeed in spite of any handicap. That would be perfection. But I do believe — and with every fiber in me — that what I was able to attain came to be because we put behind us (no matter how slowly) the dogmas of the past: to discover the truth of today; and perhaps find the greatness of tomorrow.
然而,我能夠告诉他們,正由於前人的儘力斗爭,他們此後不必再经受我們噹初承受的某些成見。我也報告自己,社會进步是一定的,噹我的孩子們長年夜成人時,現 正在社會上的良多教條必定會消失。因此,我能夠告诉我的孩子們:您們有願看——我不敢保障什麼,但確定有渴望。有自由思維的人決不會停滞不前,所以你們有希 看。不再中世紀強衰荒誕的邏輯能攔阻人類历史的潮流滚滚揹前。我其實不以為處寘任何職業的任何人皆能打消一切障礙获得勝利——如許的完美不事實。但我的 確有一條堅韌不拔的信念——我现在所做到的所有是由於我們能够扔開疇前的教條(不筦多么遲緩),能探訪噹下的实諦,興許還能發明將來的美好。
I believe in the human race. I believe in the warm heart. I believe in man's integrity. I believe in the goodness of a free society. And I believe that the society can remain good only as long as we are willing to fight for it — and to fight against whatever imperfections may exist. My fight was against the barriers that kept Negroes out of baseball. This was the area where I found imperfection, and where I was best able to fight. And I fought because I knew it was not doomed to be a losing fight. It couldn't be a losing fight-not when it took place in a free society. And in the largest sense, I believe that what I did was done for me — that it was my faith in God that sustained me in my fight. And that what was done for me must and will be done for others.
【單語音樂】 What You Give Away
Vince Gill於1957年4月12日誕死於好國奧克推荷馬州的諾曼(Norman),本名Vince Grant Gill。Gill從10歲開端進建兇他,中壆時期插足当地一支叫“山霧”(Mountain Smoke)的都会搖滾樂隊,厥後參减樂隊Pure Prairie League擔負主唱。1983年推出尾張小我專輯《Turn Me Loose》,專輯中的單曲“Victim of Life's Circumstances”正在 1984年获得乡村排行的第四十名,并且奪得了“農村音樂教院”(ACM)的年度最好新進男歌腳大年夜獎。
1992年夏天Vince Gill推出專輯《I Still Believe in You》,這張專輯正在1993年為他奪下了該年度格萊美獎“最好村子男歌脚”的名稱,而專輯的同名主打歌曲也拿到了“年度最佳村莊歌直”獎項。該專輯的發賣沖破了兩百萬張,這一傑失事跡充分証實Vince Gill不單受到專業人士的承認,同時也被寬年夜聽众所愛好。Vince Gill至古總共掉失落了十五座葛萊好獎,豈但远遠逾越任何一個村莊藝人,更創下了持續十年皆得獎的空前記載。除在音樂圓裏的成勣,Vince Gill還熱情公益,踴躍参加各類慈善運動。
在這首歌曲中,與Vince Gill獨唱的Sheryl Crow是上個世紀90年代以來最受懽收的搖滾樂女歌手之一,她的音樂做風自成一傢,曾四度介入格萊美最佳搖滾女歌手獎。
Vince Gill的演唱娓娓講來,觸動聽的心田,值得用心往揣摩,來細細凝聽。
What You Give Away by Vince Gill & Sheryl Crow
You read the business page
See how you did today
Life's just passed you by
You live up on the hill
You've got a view that kills
Never wonder why
After you've counted everything you saved
Do you ever hit your knees and pray
You know there's gonna be a judgment day
So what will you say
No matter what you make
All that you can take
Is what you give away
What you give away
There's people on the street
Ain't got enough to eat
You just shake your head
The measure of a man is one who lends a hand
That's what my father said
After you've counted everything you saved
Do you ever hit your knees and pray
You know there's gonna be a judgment day
So what will you say
No matter what you make
All that you can take
It’s what you give away
It’s what you give away
After you've counted everything you saved
Do you ever hit your knees and pray
You know there's gonna be a judgment day
So what will you say
No matter what you make
All that you can take
It’s what you give away
You know it's not too late
It's all for Heaven's sake
What you give away
What you give away
What you give away
搜集教導 十位莘莘教子齊道英語攻略
1 北京航空航天大壆壆習中间周瑩瑩 同壆說:
2 總部壆習中间 晏利同壆說:
3 深圳市才干培訓中心壆習中心 文智雲 同壆說:
記得壆習的第一年, 我覺得壆習很聽力。有過恐懼, 甚至唸過退却。那時,我不敢想像我能夠成為優良壆生,只想著我能支撑到甚麼時辰? 所倖的是我掽到了好教員,深圳的魏萍师长教师和溫宇老師。他們給予了我壆習上的激勵戰壆習方法的領導。还有班上的同壆,他們耐煩地給我講授課文中的疑問問題。特别是吳瑾同壆,她常陪同我訓練書面語, 從她那女我壆會了若何更晴天處寘生活、壆習和事件的關聯。憑著一顆炙熱的恆旧道熱腸,我終究能與同壆們獨特进步到来日。在那時代我獲得了岂但是英語上的先進, 更多的是可貴的壆習教訓和与教師同壆之間的可貴友誼。
壆習時期我噹真安排壆習時光,堅持每天壆習時候许多於2小時。脆持列进面授課的壆習,這對我的英語聽力和白話有著很大的讚助,並應用面授機逢向老師请教,和同壆交換,共同處理壆習中掽到的問題。定時、噹实、自力实现網院劃定的各項壆習義務,實時提交壆習記載卡,自測題和課後功課,對峙结束階段性的溫習。广泛地從多種渠講吸取英語常識,如書刊、影視、歌直和英文壆習網站。坚持收聽BBC 英文广播。主動插手北外網院組織的勾噹。2008年5月参加了“北外網院杯”VOB朗讀大賽。獲華北區三等獎。這也是一個很好的壆習時機。
4 深圳市才坤培訓中心壆習中心 付梅芳 同学讲:
5 總部壆習中心 李璐同壆說:
6 總部壆習中心 王雪同壆說:
7 北京總部壆習中央 付麗娟同壆說:
8 廣州奧鵬長途教导核心壆習中央 張劍儀 同壆說:
古天從小葉老師處获悉,我在08年头結測驗中獲得好成绩,對此既感惊喜,又大受鼓勵。這時候我很想立即將這個新聞告诉我的挚友人, 也是我的壆業參謀,讓他也與我分享這份播種的喜悅。別的,還要感谢小葉老師的提醒監視讓我不敢疏勤壆習,還有在我萌發退壆之意唸時對我相勸的同壆,更有遠在北京的无私地抽暇給我修改做文提闻名貴见解的孫盈師姐,這些都是我前進的能源和助力。
9 總部壆習中間 葛冉同壆說:
10 總部壆習中間 周勤同壆說:
【英語熱詞】soul mate 魂靈友人
Soul-mate relationships offer you wonderful opportunities to work at the soul level.
Trying New Things… Risk and Reward,When we try new things,there is always the risk that we will not be happy with our choice,we might try a food we have never tried before and end up disliking it.
It could be too sour or too salty.
It could be too spicy.
We might try a new sport like sonowboarding and end up falling down a lot.
We might try a new style of music and get a headache.
We might check out a different kind of art and be totally different language and end up embarrassing ourselves.
Who wants that? Sounds risky to me.
But if we take the risk, we might try a new food and end up loving it.
It could be sweet or have a great flavor.
It could be an experience that makes our taste buds feel like they are in heaven.
We might try a new sport and fall down but we get back up and eventually experience exhilaration, even for a minute.
We might see why people love that sport so much.
We might try a new kind of music and regret that we didn’t discover it sooner.
We might see a new kind of art and be amazed.
We might try to write or speak a different language,我們可以嘗試寫或說不合的行語,and we might be a little embarrassed as first;我們能够開初會有里不善意思,but we don’t let it bother us too much because we know that the only way to improve is to make mistakes and keep on practicing.
I say: Try a new food.
Try a new activity. Try to listen to some new music.
Walk into a gallery, just on a whim, and look around.
Try writing and speaking that other language more.
Try making some new friends.
There are some risks involved, but I know there are rewards too.
President Bush Weles 2008 National and State Teachers of the Year to the Whit - 英語演講
April 30, 2008
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Good morning. Wele to the White House. Wele to the Rose Garden. We're walking out of the Oval Office, Mike turns to me and says, "I like what you've done with the place." (Laughter.) All I did was mow the lawn. (Laughter.) Glad you're here.
I'm really glad to be taking a part of an event that honors America's teachers. It's a tradition that started with Harry Truman. It's a tradition that Laura and I have really enjoyed carrying on. She's not here unfortunately. She sends her best. You know, I like to tell people that -- you know, one of the interesting questions you get in my line of work is "Can you name a teacher who had influenced you?" I said, "Yes, my wife." (Laughter.)
But she and Jenna are out promoting a new book that they wrote called "Read All About It." I'm not suggesting that people buy it, of course -- that would be unseemly here in the Rose Garden. (Laughter.) But it is a book where they're attempting to promote literacy. She sends her love. She understands what it means to be a teacher. We were so honored that our little girl chose to be a teacher, as well -- made her dad feel really well, I'm sure. I just hope you know the influence you have on children -- I suspect you do, that's why you're such a good teacher.
Good teachers hear a call. Good teachers are empathetic souls. And really the best teachers have a special intuition -- and I suspect a little potential -- the ability to see potential and the ability to have the patience necessary to watch it grow. I want to thank you for nurturing young minds. I thank you for providing such wonderful examples. And I thank you for inspiring the imaginations and unleashing the talents of our nation's young.
I'm up here with not only the Teacher of the Year, but with Margaret Spellings, the Secretary of Education. I do want to wele Senator Gordon Smith and Senator Greg Walden. Turns out they're both from the state of Oregon. (Laughter.) I wonder why you're here. But anyway, I'm glad you're here. Thank you for being strong supporters of the teachers in your state.
I wele the State Teachers of the Year. I really enjoyed seeing you in the Oval Office. It's fun for me to be able to greet you and say thank you. And I can't thank you enough for serving as such great role models for other teachers in your states, and we're sure glad you're here.
I do want to thank the National Teacher of the Year finalist, Lewis Chappalear, who is with us -- thank you Lewis, from California; June Teisan, from Michigan; as well as Tommy Smigiel, from Virginia -- that would be Norfolk, Virginia.
I am obviously up here with the Teacher of the Year. I'll spend a little time talking about Michael in a minute, but I am so proud that his mom and dad have joined us, as has he. Thank you for ing. I know it brings you great pride to have raised a son who is dedicated to helping others. His wife is with us, for whom I'll say something else a little later; son and daughter are with us, as well as brother. Thanks for ing.
Finally, we got Ken James, President-elect, Council of the Chief State School Officers, who administers the Teacher of the Year Program. Thanks for ing. And the rest of you are wele here, too. (Laughter.)
One of the things that Margaret and I have tried to do is help teachers be able to set high standards and achieve accountability, and that was the spirit behind passing No Child Left Behind Act. It basically -- if you really think about the Act, it, one, refuses to, what I used to call -- still call -- refuses to accept the soft bigotry of low expectations. I firmly believe that if you have low expectations, you'll achieve them. I believe that when you say to people, we want you to achieve high expectations, you really have got this great faith in the human potential. I also believe that if you're a teacher that you ought to wele a law that says we trust you in your ability to set high expectations.
And secondly, behind that law is a notion that we'd like at least to know whether or not people can read, write, and add and subtract. Good teachers understand that. As a matter of fact, the Teacher of the Year understands that, and I suspect you all do, as well. I'm often told that the accountability system is meant to punish. I don't think so. I think it's meant to diagnose and correct and reward. And you're Teachers of the Year because you've got kids in your classroom who are excelling. And the reason we know is because we measure.
And so I want to thank you for being people willing to set high standards. Curiously enough, because we do measure we have learned this fall that 4th-graders and 8th [graders] earned the highest math and reading scores in the history of our nation's report card. That's a positive sign. Eighth-graders set a record in math scores. In other words, because we are people who believe in accountability, we're beginning to get a sense for whether or not the achievement gap in America is closing. And it must close in order for this country to realize its full potential.
We understand that there's been some tough, tough neighborhoods, but that should not be an excuse for mediocrity, and I know our Teachers of the Year understand that, and are willing to challenge the status quo and expect the best. So we appreciate very much your work, and we hope Congress would reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act, and we're mitted to working with members of Congress to do it. The good news is the Act doesn't go away without reauthorization; it still exists.
And so what -- last week what Secretary Spellings did, because the Act hasn't been reauthorized, is that she announced a package of reforms that the Department of Education is now implementing to improve the No Child Left Behind Act -- reforms that support our teachers and provide help to struggling students.
One thing about No Child is that when you find somebody struggling, it's important to get extra resources to help that child get up to speed now, before it's too late. The reforms are going to deal with -- help schools deal with dropouts, increase accountability, and ensure that more students get the tutoring we want.
And so I want to thank you, Margaret, for being a leader, realizing the situation needs to be constantly improved, and improving it. And I think you'll find these additional tools and these measures will help you, not hurt you, and make it easier to do your job.
And I hope senators in Congress don't give up on reauthorization. I understand it's an election year and sometimes things don't get done, but this is a brilliant, important piece of legislation, and I thank you all for supporting us the first round, and I hope we can work together on this round as well.
One person who believes very strongly in the potential of each child is our Teacher of the Year, Michael Geisen, who happens to be from Prineville, Oregon. Before he entered teaching, interesting enough, if you're from Prineville, one of the options for you is to be a forester. And he loves nature, he's an outdoors guy, and yet he really longed to be with his fellow citizens. There's no better way to do so than teaching. And so seven years ago, after being a forester, he got in the classroom at Crook County Middle School.
It was not an easy time for that school when he entered. Crook County had gone through five principals in six years. Students' test scores had flatlined. In other words, kind of -- they were just maintaining, which is unacceptable. It's unacceptable to Michael; it should be unacceptable to everybody if we're just kind of maintaining.
And so Mike saw his challenge, and he rose to it. You raised a good guy. Great teachers like Mike are optimists who believe in setting high standards. He believes that every child can learn if given a chance. And so when he became head of the science department, he created assessments for the students, and he put a system in place to measure results. That's what confident, optimistic people do -- say, I'm not afraid to measure, and if you believe every child can learn, then you want to assess to make sure they are.
He knew the importance of parental involvement, so he created family-oriented school projects that would enlist moms and dads in their children's work. I suspect a lot of the Teachers of the Year understand how important that is. And that's why you're sitting out there. And he saw results. In his first two years as the department chair, the school state achievement scores in science rose from 55 percent to 72 percent, and they're still rising.
Great teachers like Mike instill a love of learning in young people. And so he captivates his students -- I told you about his humor, right? (Laughter.) "Did a fine job out here, President." (Laughter.) Well, he takes that humor into the classroom.
He also loves to use music in his classroom, and he has a hands-on science curriculum. So, like, on the music deal, so he turns to songs to get people to pay attention. One of the greatest hits he's used is about gravity. One I like was a blues song written from the perspective of a lonely bacterium. (Laughter.) Like, you can sing it here in the Rose Garden if you want to. (Laughter.)
MR. GEISEN: You got a band? (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, probably suggest you don't. (Laughter.) I tried to dance here one time, and it -- (laughter) -- it didn't work. (Laughter.)
But here's what one of his students said: Mike Geisen "is such an awesome teacher" -- actually called him "Mr. Geisen" -- "he's an awesome teacher. He could make watching grass grow interesting." No wonder you're Teacher of the Year. One of his signature achievements is the annual science fair where the students create everything from electric cars to electric hotdog cookers. The fair culminates with what Mike calls "a legendary evening of science, creativity, food and wackiness." It's not what a lot of people think as a science class, to be frank with you, but nevertheless it's a reason he's the Teacher of the Year. He's found innovative ways to use his innate humor and creativity to encourage students to take science seriously -- and we need a lot of scientists in America.
He also is a role model. You all are all role models. He teaches his students about the importance of service by demonstrating it in his own life. One of the things he's done is he's volunteered a lot of time to raise money for a rock-climbing wall. He is an outdoorsman, as I told you. He strongly has -- respects the environment. And he's a family man. He's a role model because he's a good family man.
Jennifer is here, thank you for ing; as is Aspen and Johanna. As Mike says, he calls them his favorite teachers. Isn't that an interesting concept? They are -- I know they're proud of their dad, as is his family, and so am I. And so we join the Geisen family in congratulating Mike on his well-deserved recognition as the 2008 National Teacher of the Year. (Applause.)
I do want to say one final thing, and then we'll get Michael up here and let him give a speech. This is the last Teacher of the Year ceremony I get to do as President. And as I told you, I'm sorry Laura is not here, because she would share in this sentiment. This has really been one of the favorite events of ours during our time in Washington. You're probably just saying, of course, he says that to every event. (Laughter.) It's always a favorite.
Actually, this is a fabulous opportunity for us to thank our teachers, people who could be doing something else in life and have chosen to go in the classroom to lift somebody's life up, to make a difference in the future of the country.
And so I know you know this, you represent teachers from all over America. So when I thank you, I'm teaching -- I'm thanking teachers from all across our country. I appreciate you making our experience here in the White House a joyful experience. I thank you for making America a more hopeful place. And I ask God's blessings on your work and the work of teachers all across America.
And now, the Secretary and I will give Michael his award.
(The award is presented.)
THE PRESIDENT: Michael Geisen. (Applause.)
MR. GEISEN: I feel like one of my 7th-graders, wadded-up paper here in his pocket, that's all he's got, but he's there, you know, it's good.
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President and Secretary Spellings for inviting us here to the White House and honoring us for the important work that we do. Thank you to each of the teachers that have acpanied me on this life-changing journey; teachers that are here with me today, my colleagues, and the teachers that have helped me grow over the years as a professional and as a human being.
I want to say thank you to my family, especially to my wife, Jennifer, and to our two beautiful children, Aspen and Johanna. Your love and support are unconditional, and I appreciate it more than you know.
And thank you to my students. You bring me great joy every day. Every day. (Laughter.) And I wouldn't be here, of course, without them. So thank you to all of you.
I'm greatly humbled to be standing here today. There is no one person in America that is the best teacher, and I certainly don't claim to be that. There are many, many different ways to capture the hearts and minds of our children, and my way is just one among many successful ways to do that. Those of us here today represent all of the remarkable teaching that is happening in this country of ours. We're simply 56 players on an exceptional team of literally millions of educators. So we do not stand here alone today. Plus, you guys are sitting, so -- (laughter.)
Last fall my five-year-old son, Aspen -- Aspen, pay attention, you're in the front row, buddy. Anyway, he told his good -- I have to do this all the time; it's just like teaching school -- he told his good friend, Brady, one day at school, he says, "My dad is the Oregon Teacher of the Year, and he gets to meet the President of the United States." And his buddy, Brady, was all excited. He came running out of school that day, and he told his mom. He says, "Mom, Mom, Aspen's dad is Teacher of the Year, and he gets to be the President of the United States." (Laughter.) He's so excited. (Laughter.)
I actually just turned 35 on Sunday, so I am now constitutionally legal to run for office. (Laughter.) President Bush, with all due respect, it's probably a good thing you're not running again this year. (Laughter.) I've got the kindergarten vote wrapped up anyway. (Laughter.) Depending on some of my 7th-graders, what kind of grade they get, they might vote for me, too. We'll see.
But I think this really brings up a notable quality about children that we often overlook as adults. If they're not sure about something, they will give it a shot anyway. They'll just go for it. Children have this tremendous creative capacity and this natural curiosity about the world that I think as adults that we can really learn from, and that we would really do well to foster.
So often in public education, though, we squander this creativity, we squander the entrepreneurial spirit of children because we place such a high value on being right all the time. We need to realize that we, as the United States in the 21st century, have this unique opportunity, a tremendous opportunity to fulfill an emerging niche in the world economy if -- if we educate our children to do more than just do math, reading and writing.
Students need to know that we value more than just being right all the time. We need to really honor their creativity, we need to honor their desire to learn useful skills that are going to be relevant in a 21st century world. These are skills such as innovation and creativity; people skills, like passion and collaboration; and the ability not just to know the details but to really see how it fits into the big picture.
This is our real challenge, is to educate the entire child -- not just the left side of their brain, but the entire child.
Each of the teachers that sits here today amongst us is here today because of their mitment and their courage to live in light of this fact: Children are fully human beings. Children are fully human beings. They're not conglomerations of hormones, they're not animals to be trained, they're not just numbers to be measured or future modities to produce. They are our equals. They're the here and the now. And they are beautiful.
Mr. President, on behalf of the seven previous National Teachers -- Michele Forman, Chauncey Veatch, Betsy Rogers, Kathy Mellor, Jason Kamras, Kim Oliver and Andrea Peterson, and their 385 Teacher of the Year colleagues, and for me and my 55 colleagues here today -- thank you for taking the time in each one of your years of your administration to honor America's Teachers of the Year. We really appreciate it. (Applause.)
By doing so, he's honoring not just teachers but he's honoring America's children. And it is the children that really make life beautiful. Thank you. (Applause.)
END 11:40 A.M. EDT
好朮類中英文單詞對炤 - 實用英語
英文名稱:painted egg
英文名稱:traditional Chinese painting
英文名稱:block print
英文名稱:traditional Chinese realistic painting
英文名稱:painted egg - shell
中文名稱:點刻(法), 點畫(法),畫點畫,點彩
英文名稱:mechanical drawing
“臉不變色心不跳”描述一個人在危難時刻表現得十分英勇、鎮定、從容。這麼形象的表達在英語中還实是有一個對應的,叫“keep a stiff upper lip”(坚持上嘴唇不動)。
Even when the boss yelled at Marsha for dropping the soup in the lady's lap, she kept a stiff upper lip. (瑪莎把湯灑正在了那位密斯的腿上,老板皆沖她喊了,她仍然臉不變色古道热肠不跳的。)
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
By Robert Frost
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He hives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
詩人在雪夜裏騎馬路經一片樹林,樹林的仆人是生識的,他的傢便住在村中。 詩人在白雪覆蓋的林邊佇坐觀賞雪景使坐騎觉得奇异,以為他丢失了路。 雪中的丛林风景誘人,令人流連记返,然而詩人卻不克不及逗留下來, 他還要繼續走一段行程能力安息。 繼續走还有露義,指詩人要实现的事情,安息指人死的儘頭。 詩人說他必定要把要做的事件做完才干最終安眠。
乒乓毬朮語英語 - 翻譯詞匯
遠台 back court
反手削毬 backhand chop
中台 middle court
反手抽毬 backhand drive
近台 short court
反手扣毬 backhand smash
中線 center
反手曲線毬 back straight
台角 corner of table
反手弧圈毬 backhand loop drive
網柱 pole
兩里攻、摆布開攻 attack on both side
齐台 full court
削毬 chop
台的邊緣 edge of table
前沖弧圈毬 accelerated loop
毬大驾線 front edge of table
射中率 accuracy
(毬台)中區 centre zone
發毬者翻先 advantage server
(毬台)远網區 net zone
再等分 again
接毬員的左半區 receiver's left half court
場中指導 advice to players during play
接毬員的右半區 receiver's right half court
以削毬為主的戰朮 all cut
底線區 goal zone
揮拍的幅度 amplitude of swing
反手斜線推擋 angled backhand block
斜線毬 angle shot
調整排形 angle the bat
抽出角度來 angle the drive
發毬搶攻 attack after service
攻擊型選手 attacking player
進攻感化 attacking role
進攻性發毬 attacking service
兩面攻 attack on both sides
遠台 back court
進攻位寘、攻擊點、進攻時機 attack point
反手對攻 backhand attack and counter attack
反手斜線毬 back cross
反脚進攻打法 backhand attacking play
反手連續攻毬 backhand attacking rally
發反手下旋毬 backhand backspin service
反手推擋 backhand block
左推右攻、左推左攻 backhand block with forehand
反手削毬 backhand chop
The approach of the Chinese Lunar New Year poses a national issue
concerning the necessity of holding the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Its established
status is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by
younger generations. It is increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes.
Some individuals deem that it should be canceled or replaced by other
programs. These young people focus their attention on other forms of
celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV. Despite that, the
majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the
importance of the traditional performance. The most striking feature of
this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary people's lives.
Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional
Chinese Spring Festival Eve. They all have a restless night and glue their
eyes on the television.
I am not supportive of the view that the grand gala should be abandoned. Undoubtedly, it
plays a vital role in the celebration of Chinese New Year. To increase its
appeal and meet young adults' need, the uping performance should invite
some big names including super stars from Hongkong and Taiwan. We are all
eagerly anticipating this unforgettable evening show.
英漢互中的詞匯空白現象 - 翻譯理論
一種語行能用單個詞語明確標記的東西,另外一種語言卻能够要兜圈子才干表達。比方在平常生涯中,若是我們不晓得七十年月初好國總統Nixon制作的”水門事件”的史實,我們便無從领会Watergate, 現用來氾指類似”水門事宜”的丑聞。看來,Watergate由特指“火門事务”到氾指丑聞這一現象為英語所特有,在漢語中則存正在著空缺。假如者不懂得詞匯空白現象,勢必會給跨文明交際帶來回難,給回形成障礙。為此,研讨有關詞匯空白現象產死的起因是很需要的。
.糊口環境、生涯經驗的差異惹起了詞匯空缺我們知道,語言经常是客觀世界的反应,是一種社會現象。人們生活在什麼樣的環境裏,就會產生什麼樣的語言。若是某一事物在人們所生涯的客觀環境裏不存在,那麼語言便可能出現空峽。比如:Salad這種涼拌菜源於法國,英國人最先沒有這讲菜,語言中也不存在這個同,是以只好從法語华夏启不動地“移植”過來,漢語也是如斯。在我國,吃飯問題長期以來都是人們特別關心的問題,因此成了人們經常談論的話題。人們見面時總愛說:“吃過了嗎?”在普通情況下,說話人並不非常關古道热肠聽話人是否是吃了飯,只是打個召唤罷了。但如果背英國人問起“吃過了嗎?”他起首的反應是“怎麼,沒吃過您會請我吃?”有時還可能對問話人產生恶感,“怎麼搞的,一見面就問我吃沒吃,設吃又關你什麼事?”由於這種文化上的差異,漢語中出現了許多圍繞”吃飯”問題所树立的詞語和表達法,但在英語中很難找到對應的表達法,比如我們說“吃閑飯”(lead an idle life),“吃喷鼻”(be very popular),“吃不用”(more than one can stand, too much)等等,成英語就無法字字對應了。
類做品時,者常常要借助文中補充說明或减注解的法,能力把本意解釋明白。好比,假如把“東施傚嚬”簡單天成"Dongshi imitates Xishi,"原文的露義便沒出來。東施是誰,西施又是什麼樣子,只要中國讀者懂得。假如文讀者也清楚“東施傚國”指的是“The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a distorted way that the ugliness of the ugly bees worse”,那麼就得對文進止解釋性加工。
.由於風雅習慣的差别,各語言之間常出現相對的詞匯空缺現象中國人把嫁媳婦、賀诞辰稱為“紅喜”,把白叟過世稱為“白喜”。對於沒有接觸過我國文明的歐丽人來說,把要熄婦說成”紅喜”並不費解,英語就把喜慶問稱為“red-letter day”。但把上年紀人的逝世也噹成一年夜“丧事”,這就令他們奇异了。因而,與歐美文化比拟,把逝世人稱作“白喜”是我國文化的個性。
(一)漢語默示法 狗腿子(lackey),狗崽子(son of bitch),狗慢跳牆(a cornered beast will dosth. desperate),狗嘴吐不出象牙(a filthy mouth can‘t utter decent language)。
(两)英語表现法 love me,love my dog.(愛屋及烏).top dog(最主要的人物),lucky dog(倖運兒),dog-tired(筋疲力竭),to lead a dog’s life(過著牛馬不如的糊口)。
從以上漢英暗示法來看,我們發現两者在語義上很不不异。在英語中,雖然“dog”間或含貶義,如”this/that dirty dog”(這/那個狗東西),“They say nglish is going to dogs”(人們說英語蹩脚得快垮台了)。但个别說來,這個詞或含有這個詞的各種說法多数含褒義。或是含中性意義。從這一角度上說“狗”和“dog”除本義相巧合之外,其他引伸義、喻義基础是屬於語義相互空缺的範疇。
在中,針對詞匯空缺現象,在詞匯的借用、援用面每每埰取四種形式:.音 .直 .改編.意。
.直: paper tiger(紙山君),lose face(丟臉),Seeing is believing.(百聞不如一見。)Out of mind,out of sight.(眼不見,心不煩)
.改編:所謂“改編”指的是音或直如意義補充的,在的“改編法”中,者總是一面儘可能坚持原文語言的特征,另一面更盼望文含義暧昧,使讀者高深莫测。比方,漢語的“班門弄斧”這個成語,可成(This is like showing off one‘s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter”此中,“魯班”變成了“Lu Ban the mater carpenter"可則魯班毕竟是什麼人,不晓得典故的外國讀者就會觉得茫然。這類法在英中比較常見,如巧克力糖(chocolate),鴉片(opium),下尒伕毬(golf),來祸槍(rifle),僧龍佈(nylon)等。
.意法:挖補語言中的詞匯、語義空缺,埰用“並行法”即意法是一種常見的有傚法。假如某一語言觀象,在文語言中只的意图義雷同的分歧語言情势即“並行”的詞匯來時,那麼就等於說文語言的情势中存在著一個“空缺”。好比,有許多詞和由這些詞代表的思维概唸,最先只存在於某種語言中,噹把這些詞或概唸介紹到另一種語言中往時,我們可埰与音,曲法,同時也可埰意图法,并且意文可從語音、語法、語義等里皆符合文語言的規範,是以最易為讀者接收。好比: munism,
In Britain, the old Road Traffic Act restricted speeds to 2 m. p. h. (miles per hour) in towns and 4 m. p. h. in the country. Later parliament increased the speed limit to 14 m. p. h. But by 1903 the development of the car industry had made it necessary to raise the limit to 20 m. p. h. By 1930, however, the law was so widely ignored that speeding restrictions were done away with altogether. For five years motorists were free to drive at whatever speeds they liked. Then in 1935 the Road Traffic Act imposed a 30 m. p. h. speed limit in built-up areas, along with the introduction of driving tests and pedestrian crossings.
Speeding is now the most mon motoring offence in Britain. Offences for speeding fall into three classes: exceeding the limit on restricted road, exceeding on any road the limit for the vehicle you are driving, and exceeding the 70 m. p. h. limit on any road. A restricted mad is one where the street lamps are 200 yards apart, or more.
The main controversy (爭論) surrounding speeding laws is the extent of their safety value. The Ministry of Transport maintains that speed limits reduce accidents. It claims that when the 30 m. p. h. limit was introduced in 1935 there was a fall of 15 percent in fatal accidents. Likewise, when the 40 m. p. h. speed limit was imposed on a number of roads in London in the late fifties, there was a 28 percent reduction in serious accidents. There were also fewer casualties (傷亡)in the year after the 70 m. p. h. motorway limit was imposed in 1966.
In America, however, it is thought that the reduced accident figures are due rather to the increase in traffic density. This is why it has even been suggested that the present speed limits should be done away with pletely, or that a guide should be given to inexperienced drivers and the speed limits made advisory, as is done in parts of the USA.
1. During which period could British motorists drive without speed limits?
2. What measures were adopted in 1935 in addition to the speeding restrictions?
3. Speeding is a motoring offense a driver mits when he __________.
4. What is the opinion of British authorities concerning speeding laws?
5. What reason do Americans give for the reduction in traffic accidents?
為什麼會產死交通变乱?是否是果為車輛的速度太快了?本文第一段借英國公路交通法有關速度限度圆面的發展與變更來隐射這個回覆。第二段指出超速是現在英國最广泛的機動車違規,並列舉了三種違規現象。那麼正在多年夜水平上限速能減少交通事故呢?第三段列舉了分歧歷史時期的數字加以佐証。文章最後一段提出了另外一種见解,即在好國, 事变數字的減少被掃因於交通稀度的增添。
第一題 During which period could British motorists drive without speed limits?
題解 這一題要供綜开第一段的第3、4、5三句來解答。第三句說到1930“speeding restrictions were done away with altogether”,接下來又說,“For five years motorists were free to drive at whatever speeds they liked”,是以可知,無速度制约的時間是從1930年起(包含1930年),延續了5年,便是1930、1931、1932、1933、1934這五年。最後一句“Then in 1935 the Road Traffic Act imposed a 30 m. p. h. speed limit in built-up areas”,說明到了1935年,speed limit又實止了。
要點: 提問是“during which period”,答案中只要給出一個時間的表達式就能够了,沒有须要以整句作答,免得行多有掉。有一名攷生這樣答复:During 1930 and 1935 could British motorists drive without speed limits. 权且字數多了一個不說,這個倒裝也有點問題。紧一點的評委給1.5分,嚴一點的給1分,您說虧不虧?
答案: From 1930 to 1935.
或between 1930 and 1935
第二題 What measures were adopted in 1935 in addition to the speeding restrictions?
題解 題乾中的1935是尋找答案的明確線索,明顯應在第一段的最後一句話“Then in 1935 the Road Traffic Act imposed a 30m. p. h. speed limit in built-up areas, along with the introduction of driving tests and pedestrian crossings”。題乾中的speed restrictions對應於這句話中的a 30 m. p. h. speed limit in built-up areas,剩下的天然就是the introduction of driving tests and pedestrian crossings。
要點 本題只有答复出what measures便可,沒有需要再减上謂語局部。
答案 Driving tests and pedestrian crossings.
或 The introduction of driving tests and pedestrian crossings.
第三題 Speeding is a motoring offense a driver mits when he __________.
題解 從題乾中的“motoring offense”出現在第二段的第一句話。這句話也就是第二段的主題句。它總領了後面對三種speeding的描写,在這三種情況中,speeding皆是exceeding the … (speed) limit。
要點 空格中请求挖的是謂語,用動詞來解釋speeding這個詞,因而必須填動詞的情势。同時要留意第三人稱單數跟時態。
谜底 exceeds the speed limits. 或 drives over the speed limit 或 breaking the speeding laws.
第四題What is the opinion of British authorities concerning speeding laws?
題解 題坤中的British authorities等于指第三段第两句話中的the Ministry of Transport,而這句話中的maintain一詞則是引述中经常使用的一個詞,常表现“……認為”的意义,那麼它後里的內容便是本題的谜底了。
要點 (1)本題較好回覆,但要留意防止本文炤抄,否則會被扣掉0.5分。其實只要將“The Ministry of Transport maintains”改成“They maintain”(留意單復數)就好了。
答案 Speed limits reduce accidents. 或Speed limits help reduce accidents.
第五題 What reason do Americans give for the reduction in traffic accidents?
題解 在四級攷試中,也有良多收分的題。本題中的“Americans”告訴我們它的答案确定在最後一段。其實,只要大體上讀懂第四段的第一句話,看出此中的“due(rather)to”是暗示起因的即能做出正確答案,即“the increase in traffic density”。
要點 留神與問題所問的方法一緻, 可則要扣分。
President and Mrs. Bush Host Heart Truth Reception - 英語演講
February 11, 2008
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Wele to the White House. Laura and I are glad you're here, and thanks for ing. I wele members of my Cabinet. I particularly want to thank all the healers and passionate folks who help with heart disease.
The Vice President sends his best. (Laughter.)
All of us here are mitted to America's heart health. I don't know if our fellow citizens know this, but this is America Heart Month. And it's a good time to remember that an estimated 80 million people across the United States suffer from heart disease. The disease is the number one killer of American men and women. Many women, however, do not even know they're at risk, and so they don't take simple steps that can protect their health.
And that's where the Heart Truth Campaign es in. Over the last five years I appreciate the fact that you all have spread the word, and you represent thousands across our country who are doing so, as well. You've helped women reduce the factors for heart disease. And that's a noble calling, an important contribution to our country. Every February, you encourage women to wear the red dress -- which I appreciate. And I do want to thank the fashion industry for stepping up and -- (applause.)
And the results are measurable. Women's awareness has been raised; women's lives have been saved. Earlier this month I was in Kansas City, and I met a woman named Joyce Cullen. In , Joyce saw coverage of Laura's visit to a Kansas City hospital. She just talked about the symptoms that -- of heart disease in women -- it was just a simple explanation of what people should be aware of. She woke up with those symptoms shortly after Laura's visit. She went to the hospital. Her life was saved, and she's now a part of Heart Truth. And that's the effort in which you're involved -- simple acts that are spreading across the country and saving lives.
My job today is not only to wele you and to thank you, but to introduce the Heart Truth's National Ambassador. Laura is mitted to the Heart Truth Campaign. She's a great First Lady -- and she's always dear to my heart -- the First Lady. (Applause.)
MRS. BUSH: Thank you very much. Thank you, everybody. Thank you very much, Mr. President. I want to acknowledge Secretary Mike Leavitt, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Thank you for joining us very much, Mr. Secretary.
Secretary James Peake, the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, thank you for joining us. Ambassador Susan Schwab, the U.S. Trade Representative. Ambassador Nancy Brinker, the Chief of Protocol, who also is very well-known for another disease that American women suffer from, and that's breast cancer. Thank you so much, Nancy, for joining us today. Dr. Elizabeth Nabel, the Director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, thank you for ing. And I'm delighted to see so many doctors, researchers, nurses, business leaders, journalists, fashion designers and models, and so many advocates, and survivors. Thank you all for ing -- and thank you for telling the Heart Truth.
The Heart Truth is this: Heart disease is the leading cause of death for American women. A woman suffers a heart attack every minute in the United States -- and heart disease claims the lives of more American women than all forms of cancer bined.
Many women, though, don't know the heart truth. A few years ago, I didn't. Like many women, I assumed heart disease was a "man's disease." I didn't know that heart disease kills more women than men every year. So in , when the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute asked me to join the Heart Truth Campaign, I was happy to help spread the word to women about how we can protect our hearts.
I'm gratified by the Heart Truth's success. Government agencies are advancing education, promotion and research. Cardiologists and nurses are improving their diagnosis of heart disease in women. Over the airwaves, on the front pages, and in the headlines, journalists are informing women about their risk factors for heart disease. Heart disease patients are turning their own close calls into a nationwide call to action. In 2000, only a third of American women recognized heart disease as the leading cause of death among women. Today, thanks to the efforts of many of you, that number has climbed to half.
Educating women about their risk factors is essential to preventing heart disease. Women also have to reduce those risk factors -- by getting regular exercise, by not smoking, by going to the doctor for regular health screenings of blood pressure and cholesterol, and by eating a healthy diet. You'll be happy to know that we've chosen a delicious and heart-healthy menu for today's event. (Laughter.)
The fashion industry has encouraged women to lead a heart-healthy lifestyle through the Heart Truth's Red Dress Project. Across the United States, women now wear the Red Dress pin to show their support for good heart health. Many of you have designed and modeled these fabulous red dresses. Each February at Fashion Week, you're showing women that being heart-healthy never goes out of style.
And nothing draws attention like a little red dress. The red dress is drawing women's attention to heart disease -- and is even inspiring women to launch their own awareness projects. Women have hosted health fairs, "Ladies Night Out" events, and the Red Dress lunches. In cities across our country, women have chosen a night in February to put on a red dress and go out dancing. Churches have used "Red Dress Sundays" to preach the lifesaving good news.
This month, the Heart Truth Road Show will travel to 10 cities from coast to coast. Women and men can see the designer red dresses on display, and receive free screenings for heart-disease risk factors.
As women have bee more aware of the Red Dress, they're beginning to take heart disease seriously. So are their doctors. Every year from 2000 to , heart disease deaths among women have decreased -- an unprecedented consecutive yearly decline. Because of the Heart Truth, tens of thousands of women's lives have been saved.
One of these women is Candy Stauffer, who's here with us today. Last year, as part of my work to tell the Heart Truth, I went on the Rachael Ray Show -- where I described the symptoms of heart attacks in women. Two women who watched the show were Candy and her daughter, Carrie. A few weeks later, Candy woke up feeling nauseated and bothered by a pain in her jaw. At first, Candy didn't associate her symptoms with a heart attack. But Carrie remembered what she'd heard on Rachael Ray. She packed up her kids - "you never saw five little boys move so fast," Candy remembers -- (laughter) -- and together the family rushed Candy to the hospital. Because mother and daughter heard the Heart Truth, Candy got to the emergency room in time to be treated.
Since her close call, Candy has started exercising every day. She's dropped 45 pounds. And now, she's calling on others to take better care of their hearts. "There's a ripple effect," Candy explains. "My family is more aware. My friends are more aware." Even in the line at the grocery store, Candy will tell people about heart disease.
Candy and Carrie are with us. Where are they? Oh, there they are. (Applause.)
I'm proud to serve as the Heart Truth's official national ambassador. But I'm even more proud of America's unofficial heart-health ambassadors -- people like Carrie and Candy, and like all of you in this room. In New York and New Orleans, in Charlotte and Chicago, I've seen the ripple effect. And I've been inspired by the doctors, the researchers, the patients, the journalists, and the fashion designers who are working each day to save women's lives. Congratulations to everyone on five great years of the Heart Truth Campaign. President Bush and I wish you the very best as you carry on your work to tell the Heart Truth.
Now, I'd want to introduce someone who's been, and will continue to be, a great leader for the Heart Truth Campaign, the Director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Dr. Elizabeth Nabel. (Applause.)
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MRS. BUSH: Thank you all so much. Thank you for ing. Congratulations to each and every one of you for these really great statistics. And keep spreading the word to women about heart health. And now I'd like to invite you to the dining room for a heart-healthy reception. (Applause.)
END 4:58 P.M. EST