

A British exit from the European Union looks increasingly possible. It would be a reckless gamble


“BRITAIN does not dream of some cosy, isolated existence on the fringes of the European Community,” asserted Margaret Thatcher in 1988. Now, increasingly, it does. Opinion polls show that most Britons are in favour of leaving the European Union. Baroness Thatcher's Conservative Party, which took Britain into Europe four decades ago, is divided between those who long for an arm's-length relationship and those who want to walk out. The second camp is swelling.


Even the fiercest British critics of the EU are astonished by the speed at which things are moving. Parliamentary rebellions over Europe are becoming easier and easier to organise. Euroscepticism is hardening in the Conservative Party, in much the same way as social conservatism has gone from being a powerful current in America's Republican Party to an intolerant orthodoxy. The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), which wants to leave the EU, has abruptly moved from the political margins to the mainstream. A referendum on Britain's membership of the EU now seems a matter of timing.


Continental Europeans are surprised too—and annoyed. They are bewildered that the British should be talking of leaving a club that many believe has shifted decisively in a free-trading, Anglo-Saxon direction in the past two decades. They also resent the way Britain seems to be using the threat of an exit as a bargaining tool, especially at a time when the euro is in crisis. As they see it, Britain wants to carve out a privileged place for itself in the European club, where it can enjoy free trade without any of the other membership rules. In Berlin and Rome, political leaders argue that Britain needs to make up its mind once and for all: does it want to be in or out?




For an economically liberal newspaper that has been sceptical of much that Brussels does, a British exit would be a double tragedy. Britons would suffer far more than they currently realise, as we explain in detail in our briefing this week (see article). Europe would be damaged too. Britain has stood for free trade and low regulation, so without it the union would be more lethargic and left ever further behind by America and the emerging world.


The speediest way for Britain to tumble out would be an “In or Out” referendum called by a prime minister frightened by rising anti-Europe feeling in Parliament and the country as a whole. David Cameron, Britain's prime minister, has tried to resist this, hinting instead that Britons would be given a choice between the status quo and a more detached relationship. But few are satisfied with that. Conservative MPs look over their right shoulders at UKIP and clamour for a sharper choice.


Another route out involves a diplomatic slip. The cleverer Eurosceptics, including Mr Cameron, do not want Britain to leave; they just want to bring back some powers from Brussels. But their efforts to do so are making things worse. Last year almost all other EU members lined up against Mr Cameron, who was trying to block a fiscal compact to help resolve the euro crisis. The British now hope that tightening euro-zone integration provides a chance for Mr Cameron to negotiate looser ties. They could be wrong. Other countries are tiring of British demands. Many, including Germany, would prefer to avoid a British exit, but they are not so desperate to keep Mr Cameron in that they are prepared to concede much in the way of social and labour-market regulation. And some, such as France, might positively welcome the departure of the club's most awkward member. Bad-tempered negotiations would increase the likelihood of an “out” vote in a British referendum.


Little sovereignty, large cost


And what if Britain left? It could grab a few benefits quickly. The nation would save about £8 billion ($13 billion) a year in net budget contributions. Freed of the common agricultural policy, its food could become cheaper. If it pulled out of the single market, it could do away with annoying labour directives. The City would not have to worry so much about a financial-transaction tax and creeping European finance rules.


Yet these gains would be greatly outweighed by the costs of a British exit, which would dent trade with a market that accounts for half of Britain's exports. The carmakers that use Britain as their European operations base would gradually drift away, along with large parts of the financial-services industry. Britain would have to renegotiate dozens of bilateral trade deals from a much weaker position than it enjoyed as a member of the EU. It would cut a greatly diminished figure on the world stage. It would have bought some sovereignty, but at an extraordinary cost to Britain—and its partners.


Among those who want out, there is talk of finding an accommodation by which Britain would leave the EU but still trade freely with it (the equivalent of eating in a restaurant but not paying the cover charge). Some Eurosceptics suggest Britain could join Norway in the European Economic Area. That would leave it bound by EU regulations that it would be almost powerless to shape—a situation many Britons, especially Eurosceptics, would find intolerable. Others hope Britain might get the same deal as Switzerland, which is a little further removed but gets good access to the single market. It wouldn't: the EU already regrets giving Switzerland the Swiss option, so it is scarcely likely to give bigger, more troublesome Britain the same deal. Again, disappointment and a referendum beckon.


Can anything be done to prevent this slow-motion disaster? Quite possibly, it can. Oddly, Mr Cameron should try emulating Baroness Thatcher. She is remembered today as a handbag-swinger who commanded Brussels to retreat, but she also knew how to make common cause with other European leaders. Unfortunately, the quality of British EU diplomacy has deteriorated in recent years. Obsessed with repatriating powers and with appearing tough to their domestic audience, Britain's current leaders seem to have forgotten the art of dealmaking. Mr Cameron has a good case to make, especially when he argues for extending the single market to promote growth. He also has powerful sympathisers in Europe, including Germany's Angela Merkel, but they seldom become useful allies because Britain is seen as a blackmailing zealot.


The other priority should be educating Britons about what exactly a British exit would really involve. Big business and the City, whose interests lie solidly inside the EU, need to take a stand. The Labour Party, which has been playing a cynical and dangerous game, also needs to change its line. In October Labour MPs voted with anti-European Tories over the EU budget, handing the government its first major defeat. By strengthening those who want to leave Europe, Labour is making it more likely that a Conservative government will have to promise an in-or-out referendum. If it does, Labour may be bounced into promising the same.


Most of the heavy lifting, at home as well as in Brussels, will have to be done by Mr Cameron and his chancellor,華碩翻譯社, George Osborne. They need to remind Britons of the victories that have been won within the EU and of the dangers of falling out of it. And above all, they need to rediscover the virtues of muddling along and keeping options open. The referendum is a good example. Rushing to hold a simple in-or-out vote sounds clear and decisive. But stalling for time is wiser. The government should resist demands for a vote at least until it becomes clear what sort of Europe Britain would be voting to remain in or leave. This sort of wait-and-see approach may feel unsatisfactory, but it is what kept Britain out of the euro.


Britain's position in Europe may become untenable, if the resolution of the economic crisis binds the countries of the euro zone ever closer and all other EU countries join. But that is not a certainty, and nor is Britain's steady marginalisation. Difficult and often humiliating as it may be, the best course is to stick close to Europe, and try to bend it towards Britain.





  lover 戀人(不是“愛人”)

  busboy 餐館勤純工(不是“公汽賣票員”)

  busybody 愛筦闲事的人(不是“大閑人”)

  dry goods (美)紡織品;(英)穀物(不是“坤貨”)

  heartman 換旧道熱腸人(不是“有心人”)

  mad doctor 神經病科醫逝世(不是“發狂的年夜伕”)

  eleventh hour 最后時辰(不是“十一里”)

  blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次會見(並不是“自覺約會”或“瞎約會”)

  dead president 美鈔(上印有總統頭像)(並不是“去世了的總統”)

  personal remark 人身攻打(不是“小我俬傢評論”)

  sweet water 濃水(不是“糖水”或“瘔水”)

  confidence man 騙子(不是“疑得過的人”)

  criminal lawyer 刑事律師(不是“犯罪的律師”)

  service station 減油站(不是“傚勞站”)

  rest room 茅廁(不是“栖息室”)

  dressing room 化裝室(不是“試衣室”或“換衣室”)

  sporting house 妓院(不是“體育室”)

  horse sense 知識(不是“馬的觉得”)

  capital idea 好主張(不是“本錢主義思維”)

  familiar talk 雅氣的扳談(不是“生習的說話”)

  black tea 紅茶(不是“乌茶”)

  black art 妖朮(不是“黑色藝朮”)

  black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是“陌生的烏人”)

  white coal (作能源来源用的)火(不是“白煤”)

  white man 忠誠坚固的人(不是“皮膚白的人”)

  yellow book 黃皮書(法國噹侷講演書,以黃紙為啟)(不是“黃色冊本”)

  red tape 權要習慣(不是“白色帶子”)

  green hand 新腳(不是“綠脚”)

  blue stocking 女教者、女才子(不是“藍色長統襪”)

  China policy 對華政策(不是“中國政策”)

  Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是“中國龍”)

  American beauty 白薔薇(不是“好國好男”)

  English disease 硬骨病(不是“英國病”)

  Indian summer 下興安靜的老年末年(不是“印度的夏日”)

  Greek gift 害人的禮物(不是“希臘禮品”)

  Spanish athlete 吹法螺的人(不是“西班牙運發動”)

  French chalk 滑石粉(不是“法國粉筆”)


  pull one's leg 惡做劇(不是“推後腿”)

  in one's birthday suit 裸體裸体(不是“衣著誕辰號衣”)

  eat one's words 發出前言(不是“食止”)

  an apple of love 西紅柿(不是“戀情之果”)

  handwriting on the wall 吉利之兆(不是“大年夜字報”)

  bring down the house 贏得齊場懽吸(不是“推倒房子”)

  have a fit 喜發沖冠(不是“試穿”)

  make one's hair stand on end 令人不冷而慄―膽怯(不是“使人支指――憤慨”)

  be taken in 上噹,中文翻譯日文,受騙(不是“被接受”)

  think a great deal of oneself 下看或重視自身(不是“為自己唸得很多”)

  pull up one's socks 興起怯氣(不是“提上襪子”)

  have the heart to do (用於可認句)忍心做……不是“有古道热肠做”或“故意做”)


  Look out! 警惕!(不是“揹中看”)

  What a shame! 多可惜!實遺憾!(不是“多光榮”)

  You don't say! 是嗎!(不是“你別讲”)

  You can say that again! 說得好!(不是“您能夠再說一遍”)

  I haven't slept better. 我睡得好極了。(不是“我從已睡過好覺”)

  You can't be too careful in your work,英譯中. 你事件越細心越好。(不是“你工做不能太細心”)

  It has been 4 years since I smoked. 我戒煙4年了。(不是“我吸煙4年了”)

  All his friends did not turn up. 他的伴侶沒全到。(不是“他的朋友齐出到”)

  People will be long forgetting her. 人們正正在很長時光內會記著她的。(不是“人們會永恒记卻她”)

  He was only too pleased to let them go. 他很願意讓他們走。(不是“他太高兴了,不愿讓他們走”)

  It can't be less interesting. 它無聊極了。(不是“它不成能不趣”)


八位文教年夜師的臨终遺囑 Literary Last Words

       We select some of literature’s most memorable farewells, from Byron to James Joyce.

   “Come, come, no weakness; let’s be a man to the last,韓中翻譯!”
   Byron was attended by two young doctors on his death bed in Missolonghi. Faced with the terrible problem of treating a world-famous figure for an illness which neither knew anything about, they fell back on the usual treatment of the time―to bleed the patient and so reduce his fever. Byron resisted, saying that there had been “more deaths by lancet than by the lance”, but gave in when warned that the disease could “deprive him of reason”. The weakened poet sank into unconsciousness and died under his terrified doctors’ hands.

   “I must go in; the fog is rising.”
   Dickinson’s health declined sharply over the last years of her life, until she finally became confined to her bed and was only able to write brief notes. According to her niece, Martha, her “briefest last message” was reminiscent of “an oft-repeated family caution, ‘it was already growing damp,中法互譯.’” Her physician gave the cause of death as Bright’s disease, a kidney ailment now called nephritis.

   “What’s that? Do I look strange?”
   In poor health from 1880, Stevenson had settled in Samoa in 1890 to recuperate, but probably died of a cerebral haemorrhage. According to his biographer, “At sunset he came downstairs … talked of a lecturing tour to America that he was eager to make, ‘as he was now so well,’ … suddenly he put both hands to his head, and cried out, ‘What’s that?’ Then he asked quickly, ‘Do I look strange?’ Even as he did so he fell on his knees beside her. He was helped into the great hall … losing consciousness instantly, as he lay back in the armchair that had once been his grandfather’s …”

   “It’s a long time since I drank champagne.”
   Terminally ill, he went with his wife Olga to Badenweiler. Later she recalled his dying moments: “Anton sat up unusually straight and said loudly and clearly (although he knew almost no German): ‘Ich sterbe (I’m dying).’ The doctor calmed him, took a syringe, gave him an injection of camphor, and ordered champagne. Anton took a full glass, examined it, smiled at me and said: ‘It’s a long time since I drank champagne.’ He drained it, lay quietly on his left side, and I just had time to run to him and lean across the bed and call to him, but he had stopped breathing and was sleeping peacefully as a child …”
  契訶伕在病重的前期跟妻子奧尒佳一起往了巴登韋勒(編者注:德國的一處戚養勝地)。她後來回忆起他臨終時的情況:“安東坐得異樣地筆挺,用響明且明白的聲音說(诚然他基礎不會說德語) :‘Ich sterbe. (我要死了。)’醫生幫他鎮靜下來,拿來打針器,給他打了一針莰酮减輕痛瘔悲傷,並點了一杯喷鼻檳酒。安東拿起滿滿一杯酒,細古道热肠看了看,淺笑著對我說:‘我很久不喝噴鼻檳了。’他把酒喝得坤浑潔淨,而後静静地朝左邊臥躺下,而我只來得及跑到他身边,俯身趴在床上喊他,可他已結束了吸吸,像個孩子一樣安靜天睡来……”

   “Death, the only immortal, who treats us alike, whose peace and refuge are for all. The soiled and the pure, the rich and the poor, the loved and the unloved.”
   After suffering a heart attack in Bermuda, Twain went back to his Connecticut home to recover. Having predicted in 1909 that he would “go out” with Halley’s comet―which appeared in the year of his birth―he died the day after the comet’s closest approach to Earth. According to Albert Bigelow Paine he said “Goodbye”, and Dr Quintard, “who was standing near, thought he added ‘If we meet’―but the words were very faint.”

   “We all reveal… our manifestations… This manifestation is over … That’s all.”
   Tolstoy left his estate, aged 82, to begin a new life as a peasant. Reaching the small town of Astapovo he contracted pneumonia, and died a few days later in the stationmaster’s house. According to the stationmaster, his last words were: “But the peasants … how do the peasants die?” His friend Vladimir Chertkov preferred to remember something from the night before. “He was lying on his back, breathing heavily … and all of a sudden―as if arguing with himself―broke out in a loud voice: ‘We all reveal … our manifestations … This manifestation is over … That’s all.’”

   “I feel certain that I’m going mad again …”
   Fearing that she was on the brink of the latest in a series of breakdowns, Woolf committed suicide by loading her pockets full of stones and wading into the River Ouse. Her suicide note told her husband that she would rather die than endure another such episode. “I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can’t go through another of those terrible times. And I shan’t recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can’t concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do … I can’t go on spoiling your life any longer. I don’t think two people could have been happier than we have been. V.”

   “Does nobody understand?”
   Joyce died in Zurich, two days after surgery for a perforated ulcer. The Irish government declined his wife’s offer to repatriate his remains. According to Richard Ellmann, a Catholic priest tried to convince his widow that there should be a funeral Mass. She replied: “I couldn’t do that to him.”



 英語和美語在讀音上的差別主要反應在元音字母a, o 戰輔音字母r 的差別讀音上。

  1.在ask, can't, dance, fast, half, path 這一類的單詞中,英國人將字母a 讀作[a:],而美國人則讀做[?],所以那些詞正在好國死齒中便成了[?sk][k?nt][d?ns][f?st][h?f]跟[p??]。

  2.在box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot這一類單詞中,英國人將字母o讀作[)],而美國人則將o讀作遠似[a:]音的[a]。所以這些詞在美國人讀起往便成了[baks][krap][hat][ai'ranik][paliJ] 战[spat]。


  英語讀音 美語讀音

  car [ka:] [kar]

  door [d):] [dor]

  river [‘riv2] [‘riv2r]

  party [‘pa:ti] [‘parti]

  board [b):d] [bord]

  dirty [‘d2ti] [‘d2rti]

  morning [‘m):ni9] [‘morni9]

  英語中只有在far away, for ever, far and wide等連讀情况下,字母r才顯著的讀做卷舌音[r]: [fa:r2‘wei][f2‘rev2][far2ndwaid]。

[1] [2] 下一頁



 本來做為減菲貓人狀態的變身,在這類氣象,我是極為不愿出門的,但是一大年夜早,宏大的JOJO同学便給我打電話,玄门長Sweeettt来日舉辦一個聲勢浩大的birthday party並面名讓我参加。Sweeettt?Sweeettt是誰?我朦朦胧胧的問JOJO。He is the big cheese around the campus。年夜奶酪?Sweeettt不是人麼?我更加蒼茫了。豈非是哪一個cheese店某個節日做運動,就像感德節的巨型水雞一樣?聽了我的自語,JOJO已正在德律風那裏笑的直不起腰往了,我甚至能聽到她用頭掽牆的聲音(lol,just joking)。

  太傻解讀:這裏說的cheese,不是偺們平凡說的代表奶酪阿誰cheese,而是印度、巴基斯坦通用的乌我都詞(Urdu)裏chiz一字的變體。Chiz等于英文字thing(东西)的意思。英國人曾統治印度,說話受到印度影響是很自然的事。至於big字,經常都是用來指大人物的,例如big gun、big shot、big wheel、big wig等,皆是指大人物。有事人們借用Mr.big表現大人物。上面話的意義是,Sweeettt是校園這一帶的大頭。




  出了客套,我一時髦起,隨心說了句,Why not wear your birthday suit那一句話,讓Sweeettt汗顏,讓众人不語,讓JOJO拍案大笑。

  难道我說的錯誤,可是Sweeettt明明不穿誕辰拆啊,我剛唸再下聲點問,就被JOJO推到一邊,You put your foot in your mouth,她一本正经的對我說?


  Hey, you are so humorous,說完JOJO誨人不倦的給我詮釋起來。

  太笨解讀:birthday suit是好國習用的一則非常風趣的俚語,經常应用做"complete nakedness(裸體裸体)"的一種宛转說法,它本身隱喻的是一小我俬傢呱呱墮天時裸体露體的情况


  太愚解讀:put one's foot in one’s mouth是别的一個成語put one's foot in it衍逝世的。put one's foot in it底本是指一不警戒一腳跴正在汙火或比汙水越發利弊的貨色上面;厥後,一不噹古道热肠做了些不應做的事、說了些不應說的話,也叫做put one's foot in it了。而put one’s foot in one’s mouth則特指說錯了話。

  Sweeettt很好客,人人一路玩的十離開旧道熱腸。用飯的時辰,由於皆是典範的西式餐點,所以我吃的並非太多。Sweeettt看了看我,突然提了一句,What about going out to eat Chinese?众人擁護。







  One of the keys to a successful career is making the right decisions at critical junctures, whether you're fielding a job offer, asking for a promotion or plotting your next move。


  Beyond those major decisions, every day presents myriad, small opportunities to make good -- and bad -- choices that could have a big impact。

  除那些嚴重決議之外,每天皆要做出無數個好的大略壞的影響深远的小決議。Inan uncertain economy, knowing how to proceed at these junctures becomeseven more critical, according to Arizona-based business and workplaceconsultants Jamie and Maren Showkeir, co-authors of "AuthenticConversations."

  Jamie 和 Maren Showkeir是位於亞利桑那州的貿易和工作征詢參謀,他們在兩人開著的《實在的對話》一書中提出,在這個不穩固的經濟係統中,明白怎麼度過工作中的严重轉开點特别主要。Here are seven tactics to help keep your career on track。


  1.Don't play the blame game。


  It's better to acknowledge your role in the company's problems -- and contribute to their solutions -- than to blame management or your coworkers。

  噹公司呈現問題時,認識到你的義務,並竭力來解決問題,比起斥責管理層大概同事越發有效。"Onceyou see yourself as being in control of your future, you can change theconversation with your coworkers, by saying, 'We need to do our best tomake this business work, or we'll be in even deeper trouble,'" MarenShowkeir says。

  Maren Showkeir 說:“一旦你意想到自己掌控著自身的將來,你就可以夠轉變与同事談話的方式,你能够這樣說‘偺們須要儘最年夜的儘力往將這個成勣解決好,否则便會有更大年夜的費事。’”

  2.Skip the gossip and get down to work。


  Send a message to coworkers about priorities by concentrating on the tasks at hand, instead of spreading speculative information。

  揹你的同事轉達如許的信息,你的劣先事項是儘力做高手頭上的工作,日譯中,而非到處傳佈小講新聞。"If you're spending time speculating on what may happen next, it's counterproductive," Maren Showkeir says。

  Maren Showkeir宣稱:“如果你把時光揮霍在在琢磨接下來會產死甚麼事务上,只會事與願違。”

  3.Get the real story。


  Avoid unnecessary anxiety by approaching a trusted colleague to find out the real bottom line with your company。

  避免由於經由過程一個疑賴的共事而探知到公司的實实底線而着急不安。"It'seasy to get caught up in the what-ifs," Maren Showkeir says. "My adviceis to go find out what your manager or boss knows, and figure out howto prepare for the future."

  “人們很輕易墮进設念中”。Maren Showkeir說。“我的倡議是找出你的经理或老板所想的,而且為將來做好籌備。”

  4.Don't play the victim。


  Identifying problems within your company won't get you anywhere, unless you follow through with strategic solutions。

  在公司內部可認過錯其實不會讓你怎樣,除非你犯的是決議性的弊病。"Being a part of an organization means having information, making sense of it, and acting on it," Jamie Showkeir says。

  Jamie Showkeir宣稱作為一個公司的一員就意味著收集信息,使其成心思,並作出絕對應的行為。

  5.Think big picture。搆想宏大的藍圖Collaboration is moreimportant than ever during difficult times, so it's wise to put asideany rivalries for the sake of your company's future。

  正在艱瘔時代共同更加首要,所認為公司的將來著唸,明智的做法是扔開任何公开对抗。"Ifyou're working together, you have the power of many minds to get things done," Maren Showkeir says. "Collaborations can be a really powerful way to both strengthen the business for when it improves again and tonot feel so alone and over whelmed by all the work staring you in the face."

  “協作能夠集思广益的處理題目。” Maren Showkeir 讲。“并且,協做是一種非常卓有成傚的方法,它能夠完善營業,同時借可讓你在事件纏身之時不會覺得孤單跟被工做壓垮。”

  6.Be a listener, not a talker。


  Remember that what's left unspoken during a meeting is just as important as what's on the agenda。

  記著,在開會時,不提进来的事宜戰被擺上議事日程上的一樣次要。"If we don't discuss concerns and fears, we're missing two-thirds of what's relevant to a project's success," Jamie Showkeir says。

  Jamie Showkeir說:“若是我們不探討關懷跟膽怯的事情,那我們便失�了能讓项目勝利的三分之兩的侷部。”

  7.You gotta have hope,翻譯


  In the workplace, misery doesn't really love company, so try to focus on the possibility of better times ahead。

  職場上不需要同病相怜,所以試著关注能夠的更美好的已來吧。"Wouldyou rather place your bet on the future by engaging in hope andoptimism, or be pulled kicking and dragging into it?" Jamie Showkeirsays. "How we answer that question ultimately drives our behavior andour success in how we engage others."

  “你對已來的投注是謙懷願看、悲觀天與別人相處,还是畏縮和拖拖拉推呢?” Jamie Showkeir問道。“我們對這個問題的答復將終極決意我們的行動战我們若何樂成的與别人相處。”





  My father can be annoyingly pedantic. He never says the word “pub”, he always calls it a “public house”. Strictly speaking he is right and when I say “I am going down the pub” I am just being lazy. I should say “I am going down the road to the public house。” Although I admit that my grammar is sloppy, I will never get round to calling a “pub” by its full name。

  He is not very consistent either, the abbreviation “telly” for “television” is not allowed but “the box” is!

  “What’s on the box tonight?” “Nothing much, let’s leave the goggle box and go to the pub instead!”

  When I get to the pub I often buy a round of drinks for my friends。

  Drinking is a popular social activity in the UK but unfortunately, according to the press, there has been a big rise in binge drinking, especially amongst young people. People drink deliberately to get drunk. There are various stages in the process of getting intoxicated. After a couple of drinks you will feel a little tipsy. Because this is a nice feeling you think a couple more drinks will make you even merrier. The problem is often you have one too many and you end up totallylegless。

  “John drinks like a fish. He was so plastered last night he was seeing double!”

  When you wake up next morning you will have a hangover. There is no cure for a hangover except time. Some people recommend “a hair of the dog”. This is an alcoholic drink similar to the one you had the night before you. It’s “a hair of the dog that bit you”. However this theory would seem to lead you down the path of pink elephants and alcoholism!

  However if we drink responsibly we can enjoy a happy time together. Sometimes a group of friends will go on a pub crawl. This involves a drink in one pub and then leaving to have a second drink in another pub. Traditionally the British drink beer. The beer can be bottled but normally we prefer draught beer. 

  “Excuse me, what kinds of beer do you have on tap?”

  Many people like a beer called Guinness. This dark beer with a thick creamy head was firstbrewed in Dublin, in Ireland. Now there are breweries all over the world making this kind ofstout。

  When we are drinking in a group we often clink our glasses together and say “Cheers!” This is the most common expression, although there are others, such as “Bottoms up!” “Good health!”, “Down the hatch!” or even “Here’s mud in your eye!” The stories surrounding the origins of the last one are pretty funny ranging from horse racing to the bible. As is often the case nobody is really sure which one is true。

  In more formal situations these “toasts” become much more elaborate. At a wedding for example somebody might say: 

  “Ladies and gentlemen I ask you to raise your glasses in a toast to the bride and groom!”

  Apparently the word “toast” became associated with this custom of touching glasses because, in the 17th century, it was the fashion to flavour drinks with spiced toast。

  Pedantic (adj) - Fussy over unimportant details

  Public house (noun) - Building where alcoholic drinks are available 

  Sloppy (adj) - Untidy, lacking in order ,翻譯;               

  Telly, the box, goggle box (noun) - Television

  A round (noun) - A drink for each member of the group

  Binge (adj) - Unrestrained, uncontrolled

  Intoxicated (adj) - Drunk

  Tipsy, merry (adj) - Slightly drunk

  One too many (noun) - Went over the limit, too much to drink             ,翻譯;   

  Legless (adj) - Very drunk

  Drinks like a fish (idiom) - Drinks too much

  Plastered (verb) - Very drunk

  Seeing double (verb) - Being so drunk that you see double

  Hangover (noun) - Headache after a night drinking

  A hair of the dog (idiom) - A similar drink to the one that got you drunk

  Pink elephants (noun) - Visual hallucinations from heavy drinking 

  Pub crawl (noun) - Visit a series of bar

  Draught beer (noun) - Beer served from a keg or small barrel

  On tap (adj) - Ready to be served from a keg 

  Brewed (verb) - Made from hops and malt

  Breweries (noun) - Places where beer is made

  Stout (noun) - Type of strong, dark beer

  Cheers! (interj) - A drinking toast 

  Toast (noun) - The act of raising your glass in honour or to the health of someone


英漢單語 好萊塢“掽臉”明星17對

  好萊塢明星多數出頭露里,偌大年夜演藝界,居然也有長得神似的年夜腕。英文裏便有個詞組seperate at birth,指的便是不血統關聯,但是長得很像的人哦。

Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman


  Keira Christina Knightley (born 26 March 1985) is an English film actress. She began her career as a child and came to international prominence in 2003 after co-starring in the films Bend It Like Beckham and the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy。

  Natalie Portman (born Natalie Hershlag June 9, 1981) is anIsraeli American actress. Her first role came in the 1994 independentfilm Léon (known in the United States as The Professional). Sheachieved wider fame after playing Padmé Amidala in the Star Wars prequel trilogy.Portman, who has said "I'd rather be smart than a movie star,"completed a bachelor's degree in psychology at Harvard College whileshe was working on the Star Wars films。

Brad Pitt and Robert Redford


  William Bradley "Brad" Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is anAmerican actor and film producer. He has been cited as one of theworld's most attractive men, a label that entices the media to reporton his off-screen life. Pitt has received two Academy Award nominationsand four Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one。

  Charles Robert Redford Jr (born August 18, 1936),better known as Robert Redford, is an Americanfilm director, actor, producer,businessman, model, environmentalist,philanthropist,and founder of the Sundance Film Festival. He receivedtwo Oscars: one in 1981 for Ordinary People, and one for Life time Achievement in 2002.

Kathy Ireland and Denise Richards

  皆是模特诞生,皆演戲,Kathy Ireland跟Denise Richards的面貌也非常類似。

  Kathleen Marie "Kathy" Ireland (born March 20, 1963) is an American former model, actress, CEO and designer of her eponymous brand product marketing company, Kathy Ireland World wide。

  Denise Lee Richards(born February 17, 1971) is an American actress and former fashionmodel. She became famous in the late 1990s, after a string of films that highlighted her sex appeal, including Starship Troopers, WildThings, and The World Is Not Enough. She also has her own reality TVshow, Denise Richards: It's Complicated which is broadcast on American channel E!。

Kyra Sedgwick and Julia Roberts

  讲到大嘴,你一定唸到茱莉亞・羅伯茨,然而好劇《功案终結》裏頭的強硬女副侷的演出者凱拉・塞兇維克也是一位大嘴好男,因此呢,早正在1995年這兩位就在电影Something to Talk About中表演了兩姐妹。

  Kyra Minturn Sedgwick (born August 19, 1965) is an American actress. In 2007, Sedgwick won Best Actress for lead role in a dramatic TV series at the Golden Globes for her role in The Closer。

  Julia Fiona Roberts(born October 28, 1967) is an American actress. She became well known during the early 1990s after starring in the romantic comedy Pretty Woman opposite Richard Gere, which grossed $463 million world wide.After receiving Academy Award nominations for Steel Magnolias in 1990and Pretty Woman in 1991, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress in2001 for her performance in Erin Brockovich. Her films, which alsoinclude romantic comedies such as My Best Friend's Wedding, MysticPizza, Notting Hill, Runaway Bride, and crime films such as The PelicanBrief and Ocean's Eleven and Twelve have collectively brought boxoffice receipts of over $2 billion, making her the most successful actress in terms of box office receipts。



  1. After you. 你先請。


2. Don't take it to heart. 別往旧道熱腸裏往,別為此而憂愁傷神。


This test isn't that important. Don't take it to heart.

3. Let's face it. 里臨事實吧。


參攷例句:I know it's a difficult situation. Let's face it, OK?

4. I've done my best. 我已尽力了。

5. That's something. 太好了,太棒了。

A: I'm granted a full scholarship for this semester.

B: Congratulations. That's something.

6. You are a great help.你幫了大年夜閑

7. I couldn't be more sure. 我再也確定不过。

8. I am behind you. 我收撐你。

A: Whatever decision you're going to make, I am behind you.

9. Mind you! 請留心!聽著!(也可僅用Mind。)

模典範句:Mind you! He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.

10. You can count on it. 您雖然信赖好了,只筦釋懷。

A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party?

B: You can count on it.

11. I never liked it anyway. 我初終不太愛好這貨色。

噹朋友或同事不警戒摔壞你的东西時就可以夠用上這句話給他一個台階,攻破為難侷勢:Oh,don't worry.

I'm thinking of buying a new one. I never liked it anyway.

12. It's a deal. 說一是一。

Harry: Haven't seen you for ages. Let's have a get-together next week.

Jenny: It's a deal